
1.5  Conditions for Understanding the Word

After His crucifixion and resurrection,  Jesus appeared to His disciples (Luke 24:1-45).

"But their eyes were kept from recognizing him." 

Luke 24:16

"Then he opened their minds, that they might understand the Scriptures." 

Luke 24:45


I was in college. My bedroom was on the third floor of a one hundred year old house which was made entirely of wood. I had been in a house fire when I was a child, so I picked the room that had a fire escape. A wood house can burn quickly.

My roommate and I were asleep. About 2 a.m. there was a loud bang on our door and a voice screamed "Get out! The house is on fire!" I knew that we had seconds, not minutes to respond before we might be overcome by fumes. It was very cold outside. As I pulled on my pants I was figuring out what to take. I would escape by the fire escape to keep from being trapped in the staircase. I could only save what I could carry.

I glanced at my roommate. He was fast asleep! I yelled "Robert, get up! The house is on fire!" I pulled on my shoes, thinking... "I'll take my lecture notes. They can't be replaced". Smoke was in the hall, but I dared not open the door.

I looked up at my roommate. He was still asleep! I grabbed him and pulled him forward and screamed in his face "Get up! The house is on fire!" I let go of him and turned around to put on shoes. Then I looked up and saw Robert, fast asleep.

I was out of time! There was no more time! His bed was directly under the window above the fire escape. I opened the window and began to push Robert out of the window. He would fall to the floor of the fire escape. I didn't believe that I could carry him down the three flights of stairs on the fire escape, even if there were no flames.

I would receive help from others, drop him, or throw him off of the fire escape... to fall three floors to the parking lot. It was that, or leave him to burn.

I had pulled Robert into a sitting position and had pushed part of his upper body through the window. I was getting into position to push him through. Then there was another loud bang on the door. Someone yelled "The fire has been put out!" I heard the messenger banging on other doors after mine. I never found out who ran through the house warning us of the fire and then proclaiming the good news that the fire was out.

I let go of Robert and he fell back flat on the bed. Then I opened the door and the hall was full of smoke. I closed the door and got back into bed. I had a lot to do the next day. My course load was heavy.

The next morning I got up and went to breakfast. I found out that the fire was started in the basement of the house as a result of an indoor bottle rocket war. One of the bottle rockets had found its way into a closet which, after a few hours had started a fire in some oily rags.

I found Robert in the breakfast hall. I think he was eating fried eggs, over medium. I told him what I did to try to save his life. His eyes bulged as he envisioned himself falling three floors from a burning wood frame house. I asked him, "Why couldn't I wake you?" He said "Sometimes I can't sleep and take a sleeping pill. Last night I took two. I didn't know that they were that powerful."

If you can't hear, you are in serious danger. This subchapter is about how to hear God's word.

Fellowship with God is a two way conversation in the spiritual realm, as we follow Christ, bearing His yoke in the world. 

This subchapter focuses on God's communication to us through scripture. In this subchapter, we will see how we come to understand God's words.  

Conditions for Understanding God's Word     (1.5a)

How does scripture state that we can understand scripture? 

Understanding of scripture is a gift from God to converts with soft hearts and a willingness to obey, who receive this understanding by zealously seeking it through prayerful meditation on scripture. 

Those are all of the scriptural conditions which I am aware of. All of these conditions for understanding God's word will be proved by the scriptures presented below.

This is a critical point. You may be tempted to read these scriptures in an impersonal way as in Path One. But I am asking you to PRAY them. PRAY them in the way of the Fifth Path as described by the acronym P.R.A.Y. which was presented in subchapters 1.1 and 1.2.

Your mind has formed habits... possibly a habit of reading for content rather than fellowship. This is like looking at food without eating. Because of this lifetime habit, it may feel awkward to PRAY scripture. But if we are not intimate with God in the scriptures, how will we be intimate with God during daily life? How will we obey Ephesians 6:18 "praying at all times in the Spirit"? Please PRAY these passages for as long as God's Spirit draws you into them.

Estimated PRAY Time for scriptures in this chapter: 

30 Minutes to 3 Months

Conversion as a Condition for Understanding     (1.5b)

According to scripture, conversion is a prerequisite for understanding scripture.



  • "Why don't you understand my speech? Because you can't hear my word. You are of your father, the devil... He who is of God hears the words of God. For this cause you don't hear, because you are not of God" (John 8:43-47).

Prayerful Observations:
Scripture is understood only by those who know God, by God's children. 

This truth may raise a question in your mind. If the unconverted cannot understand God's words, how can they be converted when they hear God's words? Please read "The Unabbreviated Conversion Corridor" in the appendix (A7), to see scriptures which shed light this very important question. 

In the above passage, Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees. John 8:13 makes this clear. The Pharisees were religious leaders in Israel. But Jesus said that they were sons of the devil. They were not believers. Because of this, they could not understand God's word. Yes, preachers and seminary professors can be unable to understand the Bible because they are unbelievers... imposters... "even Satan masquerades as an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14,15). 


  • "when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away" (2 Corinthians 3:15,16).

Prayerful Observations:
Understanding comes after conversion, not prior to conversion.

Attitudes Necessary for Understanding     (1.5c)

Once converted, we must be willing to obey and have a soft heart to understand scripture.

Be Willing to Obey:

  • "If anyone desires to do his will, he will know about the teaching, whether it is from God, or if I am speaking from myself" (John 7:17).

Prayerful Observations:
If we are willing to do God's will, we will know if a teaching is from God or man.  Willingness to obey precedes understanding.

Soft Heart

  • "they hadn't understood about the loaves, but their heart was hardened" (Mark 6:52).

In Mark 6:49-52, the disciples were astonished when they saw Jesus walk on water even though they had seen Him perform the miracle of feeding the 5000 on that very day. They didn't gain any understanding about who Jesus was from feeding the 5000 because their hearts were hardened. 

  • Jesus said to the disciples "Don't you perceive yet, neither understand? Is your heart still hardened?" (Mark 8:17).

 In Mark 8:15, Jesus told the disciples "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees." They didn't understand Him because their hearts were "still hardened."

  • "he rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they didn't believe those who had seen him after he had risen" (Mark 16:14).

In Mark 16:9-14, the resurrected Jesus Christ appeared to various people who told the disciples that Jesus was alive. But the disciples didn't believe them (verses 11 and 13). In verse 14, Jesus said that the reason they didn't believe the truth was because of a hard heart.

Prayerful Observation:
Believers can harden their hearts like Pharoah did (Exodus 8:32). Failure to understand the truth and failure to believe the truth are possible results of a hard heart. If we don't understand scripture, we should examine ourselves to see if we have a hard heart. We should ask God to reveal this to us.

A hard heart is volitional. That is why Hebrews 3:7-8 says "as the Holy Spirit says, 'Today if you will hear his voice, don't harden your hearts.'" But the ability to soften our hearts comes from God by prayer as David prayed "Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10). So, we should ask God for a clean heart and then trust Him to soften our heart. 

Four Steps to Receive Understanding from God     (1.5d)

There are steps which we should take in order to understand scripture. God can grant understanding even if we don't take these steps. But He may not grant understanding if we will not take them. For example: one step is to ask God for understanding. James wrote "You don't have, because you don't ask." So, it is critical that you take the following steps if you want to receive understanding of God's word.

I) Seek with Zeal:

  • "Yes, if you call out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures: then you will understand the fear of Yahweh, and find the knowledge of God" (Proverbs 2:3-5).

Prayerful Observations:
Here is a conditional, irresistible grace. The condition is to zealously seek and ask. The irresistible grace is knowledge of God and understanding of the fear of God (understanding of faith). If the condition is met, understanding is guaranteed. By the way, "Yahweh" is the personal name of God. 

To "call out" for discernment is to ask emphatically. When we "seek", we must seek "as for hidden treasures." If we do not ask and seek with great desire and urgency, we should not expect God to grant us "knowledge of God." In our pursuit of God, He rewards zeal, not moderation. If you lack zeal, I suggest that you pray through subchapter 2.7, "Escaping the Perils of the Lukewarm Path".

By the way,  fear of Yahweh is the same thing as faith in God. We know this from the passages that describe Abraham's obedience with regard to the offering of his son Isaac. Hebrews 11:17 ascribes Abraham's obedience to "faith", while Genesis 22:12 ascribes it to "fear of God". So, "faith" and "fear of God" are the same thing. Now, lets get back to the conditions for understanding God's word.

II) Ask:

  • "making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him..." (Ephesians 1:16, 17). 
  • "Open my eyes, that I may observe wonderful things from your law." Psalm 119:18

Prayerful Observations:
Knowledge of God is revealed to us when we ask for it.  There are nineteen requests for insight in Psalm 119 alone. See Psalm 119:12, 18, 19, 26, 27, 33, 34, 38, 64, 66, 68, 73, 108, 124, 125, 135, 144, 169, 171

III) Meditate in Your Heart:

  • "I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation" (Psalm 119:99).

Prayerful Observations:
Psalm 119 is a psalm of David. By meditating on God's testimony, David had greater understanding than all of the priests and prophets who taught him. Yes, according to Psalm 119:99, you can have greater understanding than seminary graduates, Greek and Hebrew scholars and full time preachers. Great understanding can be yours through meditation on scripture and the prayers that accompany it. In this great psalm, David prayed nineteen prayers to God requesting insight into God's word before he revealed the amazing results of meditation in Psalm 119:99.  These nineteen requests are referenced in (II) above. Prayer and meditation should occur simultaneously. We talk to God as we think about God. 

Prayer engages the heart with God. Meditation also involves the heart: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, Yahweh, my rock, and my redeemer" (Psalm 19:14). 

The words analyze and memorize never occur in the World English Bible. The word study occurs only once. But the word meditate occurs twenty-three times. And seventeen of those twenty-three occurrences occur in conjunction with prayer. Meditation on God should typically result in conversation with God. In my experience, if I meditate on scripture... and converse with God about His words with praise and requests... the result is greater understanding. His words grow deep roots in my heart. He then brings His words to my mind at opportune times (John 14:26). This is supernatural. It is superior to wrote memorization. 

This meditation which scripture speaks of is not meditation on nothing to provide an escape from the anxieties of life. This meditation is on God Himself... to bring us into conversations with Him and to receive His power to overcome. And scripture tells us exactly what to meditate on.

What do we meditate on?
a) God's Word: 
"My eyes stay open through the night watches, that I might meditate on your word" (Psalm 119:148). 

b) God's Creation: 
"I remember the days of old. I meditate on all your doings. I contemplate the work of your hands." (Psalm 143:5). 

c) God's Wonders: 
"Let me understand the teaching of your precepts! Then I will meditate on your wondrous works" (Psalm 119:27). 

d) God's Deeds: 
"I will also meditate on all your work, and consider your doings" (Psalm 77:12). 

e) God's Precepts: 
"I will meditate on your precepts, and consider your ways" (Psalm 119:15). 

f) God's Testimonies: 
"I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation" (Psalm 119:99). 

g) God's Majesty: 
"I will meditate on the glorious majesty of your honor, on your wondrous works" (Psalm 145:5). 

h) God's Son: 
"looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith" (Hebrews 12:2). 

i) Things Seen by Faith: 
"for we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7). 

j) The Unseen: 
"By faith Moses… endured, as seeing Him who is invisible" (Heb 11:24-29). 

k) The Unseen: 
"while we don't look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:18). 

l) God's Glory: 
"But we all, with unveiled face seeing the glory of the Lord as in a mirror, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord, the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18). 

m) Purity: 
"Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report: if there is any virtue and if there is any praise, think about these things." (Philippians 4:8).

There are also passages in the Old Testament which commend meditation on the law (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:1-3). As Post-Pentecost Christians, our relationship to the law is very, very different from Pre-Pentecost believers. We are not under law (Romans 6:14). We are dead to the law (Romans 7:4) and released from the law (Romans 7:6). The term law includes the Ten Commandments since the tenth commandment, "Do not covet", is Paul's example of law (Romans 7:7). We may use the law but it doesn't speak to us (Romans 3:19).  The Holy Spirit speaks to us. As Post-Pentecost Christians we serve in "the Spirit" not in the law (2 Corinthians 3:6). All of this is explained in detail from the scriptures in the Appendix (A3). So, if you meditate on law as a believer in Jesus Christ, please do so with the knowledge of its limited application to you in the current age.

Question: Should you meditate on the exact words which God spoke (scripture)? Or, should you meditate on theological concepts (conclusions men have drawn from scripture)? The first would be meditating on God's words. But the second is a meditation on man's words. 

Can any of us really say that the conclusions we draw from scripture are inerrant? If we do, then we are essentially claiming to be a prophet or a Pope. Conclusions of man have errors. God's words are inerrant. If we meditate on theological concepts which were deduced by reasoning from scripture, instead of meditating directly on scripture, we are meditating on error. And what does God say about conclusions reached using reason?

 "The Lord knows the reasoning of the wise, that it is worthless" ( 1 Corinthians 3:20).


That concludes this discussion of meditation in the heart as the third step for receiving understanding from God. Seek with zeal was the first step. Now for the forth step: Receive.

IV) Receive:

  • "for the words which you have given me I have given to them, and they received them" (John 17:8).

Prayerful Observations:
This is Jesus, speaking to the Father about the disciples. When God communicates His word through His Spirit, we must take a step to "receive" His words.  We yield to His word. We swallow it whole. James 1:21 tells us "Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word". So, we seek, ask, meditate and then receive. Once the word is implanted, we must receive it. We yield and...

swallow it whole.

This is an action you take in your spirit. Whether you fully understand it or not, you...


God Grants Understanding     (1.5e)

Understanding of scripture is a gift from God to converts with soft hearts and a willingness to obey, who receive understanding by zealously seeking it through prayerful meditation on scripture. All but one of these conditions have been presented above. The last condition is this: God must give us understanding. God must place the truth into our minds. 

Below, you will see scriptures which reveal that understanding is a gift from God. Understanding of scripture is a supernatural event. 

Jesus Opened Their Minds:

  • "...Then he opened their minds, that they might understand the Scriptures" (Luke 24:45). (Jesus opened their minds.)

Prayerful Observations:
We don't figure out God. He opens our minds. He opens the minds of those who meet the aforementioned criteria.

Holy Spirit Teaches:

  • "...the anointing which you received from him remains in you, and you don't need for anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you concerning all things..." (1 John 2:27).

Prayerful Observations:
The anointing is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit teaches "concerning all things." This is spiritual communication directly from God into the hearts of His children. As the verse says, we don't need a human teacher. But sometimes God gives us human teachers to teach us scripture even though the Holy Spirit can do that without working through a human teacher. But human teachers are fallible. Therefore, we are not to place our faith in our human teachers so that we accept everything they say. Jeremiah 17:5  says "Cursed is the one who trusts in man." Instead of placing our faith in a human teacher, we place our faith in the Holy Spirit to teach us. As we listen to a human teacher, we look to the Holy Spirit to teach us, while prayerfully "examining the scriptures" to see if the teaching is proved by the scriptures (Acts 17:11). See also John 16:7-13

Almost 50 years ago, a man named John Ireland met with me once a week to teach me the inductive method of studying the Bible. In the first meeting he said. Don't use Bible commentaries. I was shocked and asked him, "Why"? John said "You need to learn to trust the Holy Spirit to teach you directly." 

Understanding is a gift from God:

  • "Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things" (2 Timothy 2:7).

Prayerful Observations:
Understanding of scripture is a supernatural event controlled by our sovereign Lord. Paul wrote God's words to Timothy as recorded in this letter, but he trusted God to grant understanding of those words to Timothy. Paul didn't rely on his personal literary, analytical and communication skills.  He knew the results of trusting in man. Paul knew scripture, "Cursed is the man who trusts in man" (Jeremiah 17:5). Paul relied on God's answer to his prayers to bring the gift of understanding to the recipients of his letters. How do we know this? In Paul's letter to the Ephesians he wrote " I... don't cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, 18 having the eyes of your hearts enlightened" (Ephesians 15:1-18). 

Understanding for Conversion is Supernatural

  • "He (Jesus) said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 16:15-17).

Hermeneutics     (1.5f)

It is wise to apply correct secular literary techniques (hermeneutics) in attempting to interpret scripture. For example, before interpreting a difficult verse in the book of Colossians, one should read the entire book of Colossians in one sitting to observe the main topics and flow of thought between sentences and paragraphs. One who is not extremely familiar with that book should read it ten to twenty times before interpreting a difficult verse. 

But correct secular literary techniques are not sufficient. I have listened to those who follow a very scholarly approach without trusting in God for revelation. Very often they can not understand the simplest scripture. Why is this? They are trusting in man's methods. Do you remember Jeremiaha 17:5 which was discussed above? "Cursed is the man who trusts in man" (Jeremiah 17:5). Since they trust in their scholarly approach instead of Divine revelation, they do not receive understanding. We must be scholarly as we prayerfully digest God's word. 

Understanding of scripture is a gift from God, which He has chosen to grant, based on conditions which He has revealed in the scriptures, as presented above. Understanding of scripture is a gift from God to converts with soft hearts and a willingness to obey, who receive understanding by zealously seeking it through prayerful meditation on scripture.

Scholars, Commentaries and Theological Systems     (1.5g)

The teaching of scholars, commentaries and theological systems are only beneficial to the extent that they prove their points by clear statements of scripture. They may be used sparingly to provide possible interpretations to consider. Your time spent reading commentaries should be minor, in comparison with the amount of time spent meditating on scripture. 

If the spiritual ideas in our minds are scripture, we are probably not using commentaries excessively. But if the spiritual ideas in our minds are doctrines for which we don't have clear scriptural proof of, then our beliefs are probably based on what man has told us. Our views in this case are probably very corrupt. 

Scholars often disagree about the meaning of scripture. In fact, you can find a commentary to agree with almost any interpretation. But, if all of their interpretations came from God, they would not disagree. 

Some will defend the use of commentaries by saying that they only read good commentaries. To that I say "good according to whom"? A "good commentary" is actually a commentary which you expect to agree with. It is close to finding a commentary that tells you what you want to hear. Did God or the Bible endorse the commentary? Obviously not. 

Scripture expressly states the conditions for understanding God's word. If scholars disagree, then one or all of those scholars have not met those conditions. The scholar may not even be a Christian. The religious leaders of Jesus's day were primarily unbelievers. According to Matthew 23:15, one who followed them became "a son of Gehenna" (a son of Hell). 2 Corinthians 11:14,15 tells us that Satan's servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Also see John 8:44 in the 8:13-44 conversation where 8:13 reveals that Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees in 8:44. 

  • "I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation" (Psalm 119:99).

Understanding is a result of humble interaction with God, as we meditate on His actual words. Commentaries and theological systems are not God's word. They are the words of man. God's word is inerrant. Scholars, commentaries and theological systems aren't. They have errors. If your mind is full of a particular theological system, the analysis of scholars and opinions of commentaries, then your mind is full of error. You are engaged in corrupt meditation. Your beliefs will become corrupt. 

This raises a question:

Do you meditate on God's words or on man's words?

(Please pause prayerfully to consider your answer to this question...)



If you meditate on, dwell on, and think about man's words, rather than scripture... I suggest that you repent, stop meditating on man's words, begin meditating on God's words... and ask God to teach you to hear the Holy Spirit as you meditate directly on scripture. Now, if for example you have meditated on a passage in the Gospel of John for days or weeks without understanding, having prayerfully read the entire Gospel of John twenty times, then you may prayerfully consult a commentary. That is my advice. Possibly God intends to teach you a few things through a professional teacher. Perhaps you have a doctrinal bias and need to read a commentary from a system that you disagree with. It is also my hope that by this time you will have developed the new habit of meditating on scripture, instead of meditating on man made theologies, while trusting the Holy Spirit to teach the scriptures to you directly. Remember Psalm 119:99. 

Now, assuming that your use of commentaries has become a rarity for you, I will list some commentaries which I have found helpful. They do not have the authority of scripture since they contain the opinions of men... men of faith, but still men. They all believe in the accuracy and authority of scripture. I guarantee you that they have errors. And, as opinions of men, they do not always agree. Prayerfully consider the proof they offer for their opinions. So, if you must use a commentary, try these. Some very good ones may be read for free on the internet from anywhere in the world. Since the primary theological systems are Calvinism, Arminianism and Dispensationalism, I list at least one commentary with a following from those in each of these three theological systems. But I endorse none of these theological systems.

Matthew Henry's Commentary 

(Free, devotional style, paragraph by paragraph commentary. Wonderful for prayer... Favored by both Calvinists and Armenians.)

Here is another link to Henry's commentary:

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Click the menu to choose a commentary.)

Clarke's Commentary

Armenian commentary by Adam Clarke, a Methodist Wesleyan Bible scholar.

Here is another link to Clarke's Commentary: Biblehub.com

Jamieson, Fausset and Brown 

(Free, more technical, verse by verse commentary by Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown, published in 1871. Calvinistic.) 

Here is another link to the Jamieson Commentary:

Third Mill

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, by Walvoord and Zuck. 

(Very good but currently only available by purchase... Dispensational and Calvinistic.)

Do Not Misuse God's Word!     (1.5h)

Scripture warns us to handle God's words with humility and reverence. 

1) Arguing about scripture doesn't produce understanding:

  • "Remind them of these things, charging them in the sight of the Lord, that they don't argue about words, to no profit, to the subverting of those who hear" (2 Timothy 2:14).

Prayerful Observations:
In the previous scripture, just seven verses before this passage, Paul acknowledged that understanding is a gift of God. Paul wrote "Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things" (2 Timothy 2:7). In this passage, Paul tells Timothy what is not profitable. It is "to no profit" to argue about words. To the contrary, arguing about scripture actually causes damage to those who witness the argument. It is "subverting to those who hear." 

2) Do Not Think Beyond What is Written:

  • "Now these things, brothers, I have in a figure transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that in us you might learn not to think beyond the things which are written, that none of you be puffed up against one another" (1 Corinthians 4:6).

Prayerful Observations:
The context is 1 Corinthians 3:1 -- 4:7. There was jealousy and strife (3:3). Some said they were "of Paul". Others were "of Apollos" (3:4). Paul's admonition to "learn not to think beyond the things which are written" is pointed directly to the issue of Paul verses Apollos. They were arrogant (puffed up) with each other over this. 

The strife had to do with what they thought. It also had to do with going beyond what was written. It is very clear that they had opinions which were not from scripture, because their thoughts went "beyond the things which are written". What scripture did they have when 1 Corinthians was written? They had the Old Testament, James, Galatians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, possibly Mark, plus at least one letter from an apostle which has been lost to us (1 Corinthians 5:9). They had a lot of scripture.

Paul was speaking directly to the flaw of human reasoning related to the Paul, Apollos controversy. He said that the reasoning of the wise was worthless.  He connected that futility of human reasoning with the Paul, Apollos controversy (3:20-22).  He then connects the Paul, Apollos controversy to his admonition against thinking beyond the things which are written (4:6). Then, in 4:7 Paul says that whatever we have is received. In other words, theological understanding is not derived by human logic. Theological understanding is granted by God:  "Then he opened their minds, that they might understand the Scriptures" (Luke 24:45). (Jesus opened their minds.)

When we "think beyond the things which are written", we enter into misunderstanding, rather than understanding. We create, arguments, strife and different denominations. It is always good to ask this question with regard to any doctrine: "Where does it say that?"

When we "think beyond the things which are written", we use logic to create a doctrine which is not expressly stated in scripture. That doctrine will inevitably contradict some express statement of scripture. 

For decades I was frustrated with contradictions as I read scripture. 

Then I realized: The contradictions did not involve situations where scripture contradicted scripture. The contradictions I observed involved contradictions between scripture and man-made doctrines... Man-made doctrines I had created by extensions of logic based on a scripture...  man-made doctrines that preachers had taught me. 

So, I decided to stop trying to deduce a "higher truth" from a scripture and then label that deduction as a "doctrine of God".  I decided to not accept a doctrine from a preacher unless it was a clear express teaching of scripture. From that point on, my problem with contradictions in scripture virtually disappeared. 

It is always good to ask this question with regard to any doctrine: "Where does it say that?"

One who uses logic to create a doctrine and then label that doctrine as a doctrine of God is actually claiming to be a prophet. Such a one is claiming to have discovered truth which is equal to scripture. 

It is always good to ask this question with regard to any doctrine: "Where does it say that?"

3) Do Not Suppose or Assume:

  • "But if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he doesn't yet know as he ought to know" (1 Corinthians 8:2).

Prayerful Observations:
(Notice that this passage is in 1 Corinthians, the same book as the previous passage. These verses are connected.) To assume is to suppose a doctrine to be true without proof. We should not assume. With regard to any doctrine, we should ask "where does it say that"? We accept a doctrine as a doctrine of God, only when the doctrine is clearly presented in scripture. 

In the half century since God came into me, scriptures which made no sense to me have become clear... passages which I fixed a certain meaning to when I was eighteen, clearly meant something else when I was sixty. The scripture didn't change. But, the incorrect, worldly views we had prior to conversion, fall one by one as the Holy Spirit reveals the truths of scripture...He reveals them in the order in which He chooses to reveal them. We should hold our interpretations of scripture with humility, realizing that we may be wrong, always open to understandings that are more accurate than past understandings.  In Acts 18:24-26, Apollos, a man "mighty in the Scriptures"... who "taught accurately",  was taught "more accurately" by Priscilla and Aquilla. Proverbs 4:8 reads "But the path of the righteous is like the dawning light that shines more and more until the perfect day." Yes, both scripture and God have become clearer and clearer over the decades. We must be willing to change our interpretations as God reveals our misconceptions through His Spirit and scripture. If we think we know something... so that we will not change our mind when scripture clearly says that we should... we do not know as we ought to know. We should know what we know with humility.

4) Don't Assume "One For All"

Just because something came to pass for one individual doesn't meant that it applies to all. Sometimes, the great people of the faith are exceptions to the general spiritual rules which apply to everyone else. For example: 

  • John the Baptist was "filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb" (Luke 1:15).  This doesn't apply to all people. All are not filled with the Holy Spirit at birth.
  • Centuries after Moses and Elijah died they reappeared on the earth to talk with Jesus on a mountain in the presence of Peter, James and John (Luke 9:28-36). This doesn't apply to all people. All people can't reappear on the earth to have after death conversations with the living.
  • Enoch never died: "Enoch walked with God, and he was not found, for God took him" (Genesis 5:24). This doesn't apply to all people. All people don't walk with God or escape physical death.
  • Elijah never died: "Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven" (2 Kings 2:11).  This doesn't apply to all people. All people don't go to Heaven in a whirlwind.
  • Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. That doesn't mean that all women are impregnated by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18).
  • God knew Jeremiah before Jeremiah was conceived in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). That doesn't mean that God knew everyone before they were conceived in the womb. Galatians 4:8-9 shows that God came to know us after our physical birth, at conversion.
  • Paul was set "apart" at physical birth for a purpose (Galatians 1:15). That verse doesn't establish that everyone is set apart at physical birth for Paul's purpose or any other purpose. (God may have a purpose for every person at birth. I don't know. But this verse doesn't establish that as a general doctrine.)
  • David's mother conceived him "in sin" (Psalm 51:5). That doesn't mean that everyone's mother conceived them "in sin". Possibly David's mother was an unbeliever. Some have said that all men are born spiritually dead and therefore all are born damned because of this verse. But Romans 5:12 says "death passed to all men, because all sinned". So, spiritual death doesn't pass to us because of the sins of others. In Romans 7:9, Paul used himself to prove a general theological point. His point was that he was spiritually alive until the commandment came to him. Then he sinned and died. This was consistent with Romans 5:12).

Simply stated, a theology is not born because of statements in scripture about  particular individuals. Many false doctrines have been formed in this way. Those who accept these false doctrines cannot understand many scriptures because the scriptures contradict their unscriptural beliefs. Context should indicate general application before we proclaim general application.

5) Don't Add:

  • "Every word of God is flawless. He is a shield to those who take refuge in him. 6 Don't you add to his words, lest he reprove you, and you be found a liar" (Proverbs 30:5-6).

6) Don't Add or Subtract:

  • "You shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of Yahweh your God which I command you" (Deuteronomy 4:2).

7) Don't Accept Man's Tradition as God's Doctrine:

  • "But they worship me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men... making void the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down" (Mark 7:7,13). (See also Colossians 2:8, 23 and Isaiah 29:13.)

Prayerful Observations:
The Jewish religious leaders used logic to deduce doctrine from scripture and then taught that their man-made doctrines were doctrines of God. Their additions contradicted God's word: "making void the word of God by your tradition". Then, in classic cult behavior, when express statements of scripture contradicted their man-made doctrine, they "set aside the commandment of God, and hold tightly to the tradition of men" (Mark 7:8). 

I have seen repeatedly that seminary trained ministers cannot understand very simple scriptures because of doctrinal bias from adherence to a theology. We should ask this question regarding teaching: 

Where does it say that? 

If you ask a seminary trained minister this question and the minister will not point you to a specific scripture, like Galatians 3:29, Genesis 13:14-16, etc. you may be witnessing cult behavior. They can be quite clever. But when you see a refusal by a professional teacher of scripture to prove his teaching from a specific scripture, you are seeing a doctrinal bias that is setting aside the scripture in favor of the minister's man-made doctrine... cult behavior. 

I have never seen a doctrine deduced by human reasoning from scripture, which did not contradict an express statement of some other scripture. 

I am not speaking against an exact paraphrase of scripture. I am repudiating the use of reason to find of new truths from scripture which are not expressly stated by scripture. 

"The Lord knows the reasoning of the wise, that it is worthless" ( 1 Corinthians 3:20).


I am speaking against thinking philosophically.  Instead of thinking philosophically, we should think scripturally. In other words, exact statements of scripture should be in our minds rather than theological generalizations. The power of logic is limited.

My professor of symbolic logic asked me to be his assistant at U.T. Austin because of my near perfect scores. This was quite a compliment since I was only an undergrad. Reader, please understand this: I understand the benefits of logic and its power. But when we "think beyond the things which are written" (1.5h2) we commit logical fallacies which result in contradiction with scripture. I know because I have committed logical fallacy with scripture. Only God knows all of the fallacies I have in me which I have not yet recognized.

Our doctrines should be express statements of scripture. 

Please pray about this now...

So, I know that I am the seed of Abraham because Galatians 3:29 says "If you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring (Greek sperma, seed) and heirs according to promise." I know that I inherit the land promised to Israel because of Genesis 13:15-16, not because of replacement theology.

Dispensationalists undergo rigorous training, do much good and have blessed me greatly in their ministry but I believe that I see error in the teaching of some:
I know that renowned Dispensationalist teacher C. I. Scofield was spreading cultish doctrine when he claimed that salvation came by works in the Old Testament. In Scofield's comment on John 1:17 in the 1917 version of the Scofield Reference Bible we see: "The point of testing is no longer legal obedience as the condition of salvation, but acceptance or rejection of Christ, with good works as a fruit of salvation." Psalm 103:17 reveals that everlasting life in the Old Testament was received by the fear of God (faith) as I explain in the appendix. Click here and read paragraph f for an explanation. 

One dispensational teaching says that Christ will reinstitute animal sacrifice in His 1000 year reign. 

No scripture states that animal sacrifices will resume. But some dispensationalist combine their opinions regarding numerous debatable passages to come up with this doctrine. When I look at their source scriptures I see that verse one could imply A or B. Verse two could imply C or D. Verse three could mean E or F. I could not see scriptural proof sufficient to restrict those verses to only one of the options. But these particular dispensationalists say that A, D and E are correct, so animal sacrifices will resume. Essentially, they are assuming that their opinions are correct, combining their opinions with some logic and proclaiming a doctrine of God.  Click here for more information from another website. 

If these dispensationalists only accepted as doctrine those truths which are expressly stated in scripture, they would not have taught that Christ will eventually reinstitute animal sacrifice and that salvation came by works in the Old Testament. 

Some dispensationalists teach that there is a seven year tribulation, in the seventieth of seventy weeks in Daniel 9:24-27, which has not been fulfilled to this day. But Luke 21:20-22 indicates that all Old Testament prophecies, "all things which are written", were fulfilled in 70 AD when Jerusalem was surrounded by armies and destroyed. (Click here for more on this topic and here for a complete explanation of Daniel's seventy weeks.) Even though many do not agree with a dispensationalist application of Daniel 9:24-27 to our future, one must bear in mind that multiple and continuous fulfillments of prophecy are possible. To read more about this click here.  If these dispensationalists restricted their doctrines to doctrines which are express statements of scripture, they would not have made this mistake. 

As I wrote above, dispensationalists undergo rigorous training, do much good and have blessed me greatly in their ministry but I believe that they also have error. I pray that our Lord will reveal their errors to them and my errors to me. The dispensationalists and I are "living stones" of the same "spiritual house" (1 Peter 2:5). We will judge the world together (1 Corinthians 6:2).

Calvinists also undergo rigorous training, do much good and I have been blessed greatly by their ministry but I believe that some of their doctrine has error. The cult doctrine of predestination to damnation in John Calvin's Calvinism is another example of a doctrine of man which was derived by flawed logic from perfect scripture. Click here to for an in depth explanation of Ephesians 1:4 and a presentation of Calvin's predestination to damnation, with quotes from Calvin's book.

The Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrine is a philosophy which directly contradicts Revelation 14:14-16, in the context of Revelation 13:1-14:20. There is no scripture which states that the rapture occurs before the great tribulation. But more than any passage in the book of Revelation, Revelation 14:14-16 appears to be the rapture and it occurs after the global murders of Christians by the one named 666.  Click here for a thorough explanation.

Scofield's Dispensationalism, Calvin's Calvinism and other isms have been and will be adjusted as critics call attention to obvious contradictions. But, man-made doctrine evolving from man-made doctrine results in man-made doctrine which will also be corrupt, but corrupt in different ways compared to the original man-made doctrine. 


Once a believer adopts reason based cult doctrines, they will not be able to understand simple clear statements of scripture, because the clear and obvious meaning of scripture contradicts their cult doctrine. The Calvinist who believes that God created men for damnation, creating men as spiritually dead beings, cannot accept Romans 7:9.  They will torture the verse to twist it into the opposite of what it clearly says. Romans 7:9 clearly says that we were spiritually alive before we became spiritually dead.

As I wrote above, Calvinists undergo rigorous training, do much good and I have been blessed greatly by their ministry but I believe that their doctrine has some error. I pray that our Lord will reveal their errors to them and my errors to me.  The Calvinists and I are "living stones" of the same "spiritual house" (1 Peter 2:5). We will judge the world together (1 Corinthians 6:2).

I worshiped in Calvinistic or Dispensational churches for decades. If you find your self in a church with doctrinal bias, don't engage in philosophical debate. Just quote scripture which you believe contradicts the teacher's doctrine. Pray for the teacher and wait for the Holy Spirit to work. Very often the Holy Spirit convinces me that I am incorrect... and that the teacher was correct. I have learned much from those who's teaching made me angry. Pray silently the Endorsed Prayer of Humble Rebuke in micro-subchapter 4.3L. Also pray that God will increase the teacher's faith and obedience (micro-subchapters 4.3a and 4.3f, respectively). Perhaps God sent you into that congregation to heal that congregation. There are no perfect congregations. I don't know if there are any churches without some doctrinal bias. I have seen doctrinal bias in myself many times, so I expect that doctrinal bias remains in me, yet to be recognized.

Seminaries may be responsible for more false doctrine about God than any other source. My beliefs have changed much in the fifty years since I came to be known by God (Galatians 4:9). Show them grace... even as you wish to receive grace. But observe, Jesus did not choose one single seminary graduate to be one of the twelve apostles. Paul was a seminary graduate and did become an apostle after Christ death. But, Paul murdered Christians until Christ rebuked him severely on the road to Damascus. Religious leaders in those days are the ones who spearheaded the crucifixion of Christ.

So, as you listen to a preacher or teacher, only accept that part of the message which the teacher or preacher clearly proves from scripture. 

8) Severe Warning:

The book of Revelation has very specific warnings for those who add or subtract words from that particular book: 

  • "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll" (Revelation 22:18,19).

Prayerful Observations:
We should receive and reveal God's words with the highest level of reverence, awe and respect. 

Be Berean     (1.5i)

  • "The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Beroea (Berea). When they arrived, they went into the Jewish synagogue. Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11).

Prayerful Observations:
The Bereans heard Paul's message and were asking the question "Where does it say that?" They were described as being "more nobel" for doing this. They were looking for the best evidence for Paul's doctrine that could be found. They were looking in the scriptures. They were looking for Inerrant Theology.

The last seven passages you read are similar. Here is what they said: When interpreting scripture, we are not to add to, subtract from, make assumptions about or think beyond what is written. Regarding any teaching we hear we are to ask the question "Where does it say that?", like the Bereans did.

Inerrant Theology     (1.5j)

Before I accept a doctrine as a doctrine of God, I want to see the doctrine expressly stated in scripture, word for word. That is how I apply those seven passages. I believe that I will have more accurate beliefs as a result of this test. 

God is not incompetent in His choice of words as He reveals Himself in scripture.

God does not need man to reword what He has written, to improve on His divine, inerrant words.

We should not speak clearly where God has been vague. One who does this is actually making himself out to be a prophet. 

So, I look for an express statement of scripture before I accept a doctrine as a doctrine of God.

I have a name for this system of identifying doctrines of God. I call it Inerrant Theology. In Inerrant Theology, we are not drawing conclusions from a scripture using human logic to arrive at a related idea and then calling that related idea a doctrine of God. Before I accept a doctrine as a doctrine of God, I look for an express statement of scripture, word for word. For example, I know that we are saved by grace, through faith because Ephesians 2:8 says, "for by grace you have been saved through faith". Since the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith is an express statement of scripture, I accept that doctrine as a doctrine of God.

Inerrant Theology doesn't take all scripture as literal since scripture does use figures of speech. Inerrant Theology doesn't exclude the use of summary statements or reconciliations. For example: The summary doctrine of the Trinity is a summary and a reconciliation of multiple express statements of scripture and presents true doctrines of God in one word. Express statements of scripture indicate that the Father is God, the Son is God and that the Holy Spirit is God. Other scriptures indicate that there is only one God. The summary doctrine of the Trinity states that we have one God in three persons. So, while "one God in three persons" is not found in one express statement of scripture, the summary doctrine of the Trinity combines and reconciles numerous express statements of scripture. So, the doctrine of the Trinity is a summary doctrine of multiple related doctrines of God.

You may have heard of various man-made theological systems like Calvinism, Dispensationalism, Arminianism, Covenant Theology and etc. None of these systems are inerrant since they are man-made. But Inerrant Theology is inerrant because Inerrant Theology presents the exact quote of scripture as the doctrine and the exact quote of scripture is inerrant.

Inerrant Theology is God's system since God said: 

  • Don't add to His word.
  • Don't subtract from His word. 
  • Don't assume.
  • Don't "think beyond the things which are written". 

See 1.5h (5), 1.5h (6), 1.5h (3), and 1.5h (2) above, respectively.

If you have chosen any theological system instead of Inerrant Theology... like  Calvinism, Dispensationalism, Arminianism, Covenant Theology, etc... Why have you chosen to accept a system which is not inerrant? Why have you chosen to oppose God by chosing a system contrary to the system which God instructed us to choose?

Let's review! 

Inerrant Theology looks for an express statement of scripture. An express statement of scripture is the test for identifying a doctrine of God. The exact scripture, word for word, is the doctrine of God. We should not add to it, subtract from it, think beyond it or make assumptions about it. We should not use any system for interpreting scripture other than the system which God has chosen. We should not use Calvinism, Dispensationalism, Arminianism, Covenant Theology, etc, as an aid to interpreting scripture.

When a doctrine is presented as a doctrine of God, Inerrant Theology asks, "Where does it say that?"

Once you begin to ask that question, you will be surprised at how many doctrines have been invented by seminaries. You will also find most scripture to be easy to understand, without the need for teachers and commentaries. 

Burden of Proof    (1.5k)

What burden of proof is necessary to declare that a particular interpretation of scripture is a doctrine of God? 

I will explain using the burden of proof required in the court systems of my country. In the USA, the burden of proof for a civil lawsuit is a preponderance of the evidence (51%). So, the jury must side with the plaintiff if it is more likely than not that the defendant did the wrong which caused the damage. In a criminal case, the burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt. So, to convict the accused, there must be a great likelihood that the accused committed the crime. In other words, a likelihood of maybe 95% or more is necessary for conviction. 

Which of these two burdens of proof should an interpretation of scripture surpass, before that interpretation may be viewed as a doctrine of God? Or... should interpretation of scripture be subject to a higher standard like, clear and obvious.

Three Burdens of Proof:

  • Preponderance of Evidence (51%)
  • Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (95%)
  • Clear and Obvious (100%)*

* By 100%, I mean... as close to 100% as a human can get.

For example: 

Suppose that you heard the doctrine of imputed guilt at birth, that all babies are guilty of sin at conception and therefore deserve eternal damnation before they are born. And suppose that you were told that Psalm 51:5 proved this doctrine. See below:

  • "Behold, I was born in iniquity. My mother conceived me in sin" (Psalm 51:5).

The psalm was written by David. Is David saying that he was sinful at his conception? Or could David be saying that his mother was sinful at his conception... or even something else?

How strong must the evidence be before we can declare the doctrine of imputed guilt at birth to be a doctrine of God? 

Burdens of Proof:

  • Preponderance of Evidence (51%)
  • Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (95%)
  • Clear and Obvious (100%)

Is there a 51% likelihood that the Psalm 51:5 proves the doctrine of imputed guilt at birth? If yes, is that evidence strong enough to declare that doctrine to be a doctrine of God? I don't believe it is. How about 95% or 100%. Which burden of proof must a doctrine surpass in order to be endorsed? 

My opinion:

Before we conclude that a particular doctrine arises out of a particular scripture, it should be clear and obvious. If a doctrine fails to meet that test, we could view that doctrine as a possible doctrine or as a false doctrine, as appropriate. I rely on 1 Corinthians 4:6 for my opinion: "learn not to think beyond the things which are written."

I will repeat David's words for your convenience:

  • "Behold, I was born in iniquity. My mother conceived me in sin" (Psalm 51:5).

When I read that scripture, I don't see that David is talking about his condition. He is talking about the world he was born into... a world full of people who sin. 

By the way, the doctrine of imputed guilt at birth is directly disproved by the following clear and obvious verses:

  • "Therefore as sin entered into the world through one man, and death through sin; so death passed to all men, because all sinned" (Romans 5:12).
  • "I was alive apart from the law once, but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died" (Romans 7:9, explained in detail in micro-subchapter A3d in A3 of the appendix titled, After Pentecost: From the Law to the Spirit).

Romans 5:12 clearly states that death passes to all men, not because God holds all men guilty for what Adam did, but because all men sin. Romans 7:9 shows that we were spiritually alive until "the commandment came". So, we are not born spiritually dead.  The doctrine of imputed guilt at birth was a very profitable false doctrine of corporate Christianity for many years. People actually paid money to the heretical church to buy salvation for their still born babies. But, once a doctrine becomes entrenched, it is hard to dislodge it. Those who don't believe it are labeled as heretics. Only those who believe it are allowed to teach in seminary... so the doctrine just perpetuates its self, no matter how unscriptural it is. Please pray for doctrinal purity and honesty in seminaries!

How do you present doctrine so that you are 100% sure that the doctrine you present is correct? Quote scripture. Don't draw conclusions from scripture by use of logic and then declare that conclusion to be a doctrine of God. Present God's words exactly as He spoke them. Quote scripture.

The Obscure Must Bend Before the Obvious    (1.5l)

The meaning of some passages is obscure. In other words, the passage has one of two possible meanings that are mutually exclusive. Both can not be true. On the other hand, the meaning of some scriptures is obvious. There is only one possible meaning. If an obvious passage and obscure passage appear to disagree with each other, the obscure must bend before the obvious. For example:

  • Obscure Passage: Saying that either A or B is true, but can't tell which. 
  • Obvious Passage: Clearly means that A is not true.
  • Since A is not true, the obscure passage must be saying B.

The obscure must bend  before the obvious.

I learned this approach when I studied logic at the university. It has been surprising to me to see professional Bible teachers teach that A is true in such contexts. They have been very scholarly, but not very prayerful. They trust in their minds for understanding rather than God. They should be reading and thinking in God's presence as described in subchapter 1.1.

Understanding of scripture is built on the obvious passages. The obvious passages tell us how to interpret the obscure passages. In this way our beliefs are solid. 

Instead of this approach, I have seen professional teachers say "more scriptures seem to say that A is true than those which say that B is true". So, they will interpret the obscure passage as saying A is true, even though there is an obvious passage which says that A is not true. They don't realize it, but they are assuming their conclusion or... in logic lingo... they are begging the question. They are choosing to interpret most obscur passages as saying that A is true, therefore, they have decided that A is true. Since they have decided that most passages say that A is true, they think that A must be true. They are assuming their conclusion. In their great scholarship they are committing logical falacy. God doesn't write contradictory truths and expect us to pick the one which God said the most often. If passages appear to be contradictory, it is because our interpretations have created a contradiction.

God's word does not contradict its self.

The obscure must bend before the obvious!


I have presented many scriptures from many books of the Bible in this page. So, this page is what we would call "topical teaching". Topical teaching is very different from expository teaching. Expository teaching takes place when a teacher teaches an entire book of the Bible from beginning to end. For example, a teacher may teach the entire book of Ephesians, one chapter every Sunday. On the first Sunday, the teacher will read and explain every verse in chapter one. The following week, the teacher will read and explain every verse in chapter two. The remaining chapters will be taught in the same way. After six weeks the study will be finished, since the book of Ephesians has six chapters. On the other hand, if the teacher only covered one-half of a chapter per week, the expository teaching of that book would take twelve weeks. 

This method does not allow the teacher to skip verses which are difficult. It also makes it difficult for the teacher to skip or ignore passages which contradict incorrect theological beliefs which the teacher holds. I said "difficult" but not impossible. I have many times heard, even expository teachers, say nothing about a particular verse which contradicted that teachers personal beliefs. 

Teachers may also, for example, conclude Sunday's teaching of chapter thirteen of 1 Corinthians on 13:8, leaving 13:9-12 for the following Sunday. In this way, you will not be aware on the next Sunday, that verse twelve clearly contradicts his teaching in the previous Sunday on verse eight. Do not assume that your teacher is correct or even honest. If your teacher is teaching the book of Ephesians, you should prayerfully read the entire book each week so that you can fully benefit from his teaching... and also so that you may be aware of any teaching that may be incorrect. I have often seen teachers draw a conclusion from one verse in a chapter, said conclusion being clearly contradictory to words written in another verse in that very same chapter. 

Whatever your teacher clearly reveals from the scriptures, accept that teaching as a doctrine of God. Don't accept a paraphrase. The actual, word for word, quotation of a scripture is your doctrine of God. A paraphrase is not. It is very difficult to paraphrase perfectly without changing the meaning. God does not need man to reword what God has written. God does not need us to improve on the words He has chosen. If your teacher's teaching does not match the exact words of the scripture, then consider the teaching as a mere possibility or as a false teaching, whichever is appropriate.

No teacher is perfect. Do not dishonor or speak evil of your teacher if you believe he or she is incorrect. Be humble. The teacher is probably correct and your interpretation is probably wrong. Pray for your teacher and for yourself! Pray the Endorsed Prayer of Humble Rebuke, micro-subchapter 4.3L! The Holy Spirit will teach you and your teacher.

Expository teaching is critical. Only in expository teaching will you see the context for each verse, so that you may receive accurate understanding. 

Topical teaching is necessary, but it is only the first step. For example, this page contains topical teaching using 1 Corinthians 4:6, "learn not to think beyond the things which are written." After reading my teaching on 1 Corinthians 4:6, your next step is to prayerfully read the entire book of 1 Corinthians, to understand the general flow of thought though the entire book. Once you understand the general flow of thought through the entire book of 1 Corinthians, you will know that the context of 1 Corinthians 4:6 is found in verses 3:1 through 4:7. Then you should very thoroughly and prayerfully read 3:1 - 4:7, to see if I have correctly applied that verse. 

And, if you believe that I am incorrect, then your next step is to pray for me! I prayerfully ask you, here and now, to get on your knees and pray for me. If the Holy Spirit within you so leads you, send me a message. I invite you to do so, that I may more accurately spread the word of our infallible, all powerful and loving Creator, King, Savior and Judge.

So, when you study scripture in your individual, personal devotional time, you should study an entire book, from beginning to end. In this way you study each verse in its proper context.

The section titled "Scripture Reading Options" in subchapter 1.1 shows you how to read scripture. Look for "Scripture Reading Options" in large, bold, gold text... It's nearly half way down that page.

Original Language Word Studies    (1.5n)

As you read through a book, when you have difficulty understanding a particular verse, you may need to do an original language word study. Suppose that you see the word "gospel" and are unsure of it's meanings and implications. Now, you could look up the word "gospel" in an English concordance. The English concordance would show every instance in the Bible where the English word "gospel" occurs. You could read them all. That will help, but it is a flawed method. 

You will never gain an accurate understanding using an English Concordance. Here is why...

The English word "gospel" is an English translation of the Greek word "euangelion". But, your translation may not always translate euangelion as gospel every time. It may sometimes translate it as "good news" or "glad tidings" instead. My Bible translates euangelion as "gospel" 76 times and as "good news" once. Gospel and good news mean the same thing. But, if you did your word study using an English concordance on the English word "gospel" you would not see how the Greek word "euangelion" was used in one, very important passage, Romans 10:16. 

But, if you can't read Greek, what else can you do? You can use an exhaustive English concordance and a Greek concordance for English readers. Try Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, hard copy or online for free (King James Version). There is also a hardback New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. If you have a copy, look up the word "gospel". You will find that it is Strong's word number 2098. Then look up Strong's number 2098 in the Greek Dictionary in the back. There you will find that 2098 is the Greek word euangeilion, meaning "good tidings", that it is translated as "gospel" 74 times, "gospels" 2 times and as "glad tidings" once. Next, look up Strong's number 2098 in Englishman's Greek Concordance of the New Testament (hardcopy). There you will find every instance of the Greek word euangelion. Each instance is shown within the short phrase in which it occurs. You may look up each one in your Bible for full context if necessary. It is very simple.

If you are doing a word study on an Old Testament word, you will take the same steps, but you will need a Hebrew concordance, since the Old Testament was mostly written in Hebrew. I use Englishman's Hebrew Concordance

If you want to do a FREE original language word study ONLINE, try this:

For this illustration, let's assume that you are reading 1 Corinthians 15:1, saw the word "gospel" in that passage and want to do an original language word study on the word "gospel". Click bibletools.org. Then click the "Bibles" tab at the top left and then click "Interlinear Bible" on the left sidebar. Type "1 Corinthians 15:1" in the verse search box in the upper left of the page.  After the page opens, read the verse to find the word "gospel". When you find the word "gospel" you will see the Greek word "euangelion" and Strong's number 2098 underneath it. Click 2098 and a page will open. That page will explain the Greek word "euangelion" and show every occurrence of that word in the Bible. NOW YOU CAN DO AN ACCURATE, EFFECTIVE AND PRAYERFUL ORIGINAL LANGUAGE WORD STUDY.

There is an excellent YouTube video at "THE BEAT" by Allen Parr titled, "How to Do a Greek Word Study using a FREE Online Tool". Click that title to listen to it. He uses a different free online site than the one I used. There are many free online tools. 

Biblehub.com also has an excellent tool. Click here to try it. If you click that link, the page that opens will open to Genesis 1:1. In that verse you can see the English word and the original language word above it. You can click the number above the English word for a definition of the original language word... or click the (e) above the original language word to see every instance in which that original language word was used. I use this tool constantly. At the top of the page you can change the book and verse, so you can research any verse. 

Learn from False Teachers    (1.5o)

I have learned from some amazing Bible teachers who disagree with other amazing Bible teachers. They can't all be correct in the areas in which they disagree. If you are a child of God, you have the Holy Spirit. If you follow the practices in this page, spending much prayerful time the scriptures, you will learn from your teachers correct and incorrect teaching. But, in the case of the incorrect teaching, you will learn, through the Holy Spirit and the scriptures, that the incorrect teaching is incorrect. We will not know perfectly until we see Christ "face to face" (1 Corinthians 13:12, 1 John 3:2).

Pick the Theology that Answers the Most Questions?    1.5p

A recent seminary graduate said to me "I was told to pick the theology that answers the most questions". Let me illustrate this process using three fictitious people. All three are deciding which seminary to attend. They are John, Jacob, and Cyrus. 

Well, most of the questions that John had about scripture were answered by Calvinism. But most of the questions that Jacob had about scripture were answered by Arminianism. So, John chose Calvinism and Jacob chose Arminianism. In the same manner Cyrus chose Dispensationalism. Then they each attended a seminary which taught them to interpret scripture in a way that is consistent with their chosen theology.

All three seminary students used a flawed method to choose a theology. All three theological systems have truth and error. All three create bias. It appears to me that those who attend seminary are often incapable of understanding the plain meaning of simple scriptures that disagree with their chosen theology. 

And if you choose a theological system, scripture will contradict your chosen theological system. 

Let me explain. 

After all three students complete seminary and gather to  read a scripture together, each one interprets it differently. They disagree with each other. Each says that they are not reading their chosen theology into the passage (eisegesis). But, somehow, each one sees the passage in a way that is consistent with the theology they chose. So, they disagree on what the passage means and often interpret it in a way that is contrary to the plain meaning of the verse. 

What is going on?

Well, imagine that Adam attended a capitalist school to learn about capitalism and socialism... Adam would learn the strengths of capitalism and the weaknesses of socialism. But, if Karl attended a socialist school to learn about capitalism and socialism, Karl would hear the strengths of socialism and the weaknesses of capitalism. After Adam and Karl completed their studies, they would waste much time arguing with each other because of their prejudices.  

But, if both Adam and Karl had learned capitalism and socialism from a capitalist... and if both had learned capitalism and socialism from a socialist as well... they would have a fair understanding of both systems. They would be able to spend more time improving the economy and less time arguing.

It the same with seminaries. If commentary on a scripture is allowed from one theology, other theologies should be given equal time. However, this is extremely time consuming. It is infinitely better to do what scripture says to do... meditate prayerfully on scripture instead of reading and analyzing man-made theological systems (1.5a above). 

Those who study theology think theologically. They think the system they studied and repeat the system to others in conversations. Those who meditate on scripture think scripturally. They think scripture and repeat scripture to others in conversation. I study only scripture. I don't do both because... if I do, I can't remember whether the words I am remembering are theology or scripture. Theological thoughts are prone to error. Scripture has no error. Jesus said "Abide in my word" (John 8:31). But, Jesus spoke very condemning words against the tradition of man (Mark 7:7-13, Colossians 2:8, Isaiah 29:13).

So, instead of choosing a theology, choose to understand scripture the way scripture says to understand scripture. Unless you are a prophet and know that a particular theological system is perfect, then don't chose any system. If you choose one, you are choosing error. You are trusting in men. You are disobeying Jeremiah 17:5.

"Cursed is the man who trusts in man"
Jeremiah 17:5

If you have chosen a theology, I suggest that you repent for having chosen a tradition of man (Mark 7:7-13). I would ask God to lift the curse. 

I was told when I was young that I would never be able to understand scripture unless I picked a theological system. They were wrong. I have purposefully refused to choose any theological system and can read and understand scripture very well. The key is to understand scripture in the way which scripture instructs us to understand scripture.

Trapped in Your Chosen Theology?

If you chose a theological system as discussed in the previous section, I expect you to feel trapped. For some reason or no reason, you chose a particular theological system. Maybe one of the four mentioned in the previous section, maybe another one. But you have learned how to interpret all scripture to be consistent with the system you chose. So, if you abandon your allegiance to that system, and you fear that you will not be able to understand scripture. It will be like cutting one leg off of a three legged stool. 

Here is how you start. Prayerfully read each scripture using one of the intimate reading methods in subchapter 1.1. Then as You read, trust the Holy Spirit to teach you all things (1 John 2:27). You understand as you experience Him is His words. If you believe, without doubt, that He will teach you, then He will. If you don't, He will not (micro-subchapter (4.2a).

Ask your Lord to multiply your faith. It was your weak faith that led you to chose a theological system. If you know someone who has adopted a theological system, pray that our Lord will multiply his or her faith. This is the Endorsed Prayer of Faith from micro-subchapter 4.3a.

Learn From Different Theological Systems

When I have trouble understanding a scripture, I will check commentaries that are Calvinist, Arminian and Dispensational. I don't endorse any of them. Each has its doctrinal biases, but also strengths. The problem is that I may have bias and not know it. We should never use a doctrinal system as an interpretive framework. But a commentator from any framework may have a viewpoint that could help me understand a passage that is difficult.


At this point, many new and critical scriptures have entered into your mind. But that does not mean that you have been changed by those scriptures. You will be changed as you PRAY these scriptures as described in subchapter 1.2. In my experience, it takes weeks or months in prayerful meditation over God's words for powerful change to occur.  This leads us to the next subchapter: "Anatomy of the Sixth Path."

Group Discussion Questions

1) How does scripture say that we can understand scripture? (See the section above titled "Conditions for Understanding God's Word.")

2) Is conversion a necessary prerequisite to understanding God's Words? (See the section above titled "Conversion as a Condition for Understanding.")

3) What two attitudes may prevent us from understanding scripture? (See the section above titled "Attitudes Necessary for Understanding.")

4) What four steps should we take to understand scripture? (See the section above titled "Steps to Receive Understanding From God.")

5) Is knowledge of God's word acquired by correct application of secular literary analytical techniques or is it a gift from God? (See the section above titled "God Grants Understanding."

6) In the section titled "Don't Misuse God's Word!" what are six things scripture specifically tells us not to do with scripture?

7) What does it mean to "Be Berean"?

8) What question should we ask with regard to any teaching? See the section above titled "Inerrant Theology."

9) In the section titled "Conclusion", what does the author recommend for those who wish to be changed by the scriptures presented in this chapter?

10) Should Bible study and prayer be two separate activities or should they be done simultaneously?

"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
Matthew 11:15

Have a question or want to share how this book has impacted your life?