
4.8  Prayer Acrostics: Kings, Follow Christ, The Way & Power

Nine prayer acrostics are presented here. 

They are:

  • PASS 
  • HOW SO
  • PRAY
  • WWW J CHRIST L P (Holy Spirit)
  • KINGS (Abridged)

Of the many prayer acrostics presented here, the most important is...

 F.O.L.L.O.W.  C.H.R.I.S.T. 

Scripture tells us exactly what to pray. If we don't know the prayers which scripture has told us to pray, we don't know how to pray. Subchapter 4.1 introduced you to thirty-two prayers which Christ, the apostles and prophets prayed or admonished us to pray. The acrostic FOLLOW CHRIST contains twelve of these prayers...  so that we may KNOW the will of God... so that we may pray the heart of God.

This acrostic is simple enough to be memorized easily but detailed enough to tell us exactly what to pray in nearly any situation.


Each of the twelve letters in the acrostic F.O.L.L.O.W. C.H.R.I.S.T. represents the main idea behind each of the twelve prayers.

Prayers in the acrostic F.O.L.L.O.W. C.H.R.I.S.T.

F:  Increase our Faith!
O: Open a door for the word!
LLead me to the Rock!
L:  Increase our Love!
O: Make us One!
W: Give me Words to present the Gospel!


C: I Confess my sins!
H: Send workers into the Harvest!
R: Reveal yourself!
I:  Draw me into your Intimate presence!
S: Spread your word!
T: Thank you!

These prayers are not optional. Five of these prayers are disciple making prayers, by which we spread God's word, as God instructed... by the Spirit, through prayer. In the other eight prayers, our walk with God is strengthened and we receive power to overcome, with joy and without fear.

Click here to see the scriptures on which each of these twelve prayers are based and a commentary on each scriptures.

Acrostic 2: THE WAY

In the very beginning of Christianity, Christians were not called Christians. They were referred to as followers of "The Way" (John 14:6, Acts 9:2, 19:9, 19:23, 24:14). The last prayer in this acrostic comes from Psalm 23. But the other five prayers come from the chapters on the Endorsed Prayers. It is called "THE WAY".

Prayers in the Acrostic T.H.E. W.A.Y.

T:  Lead me not into Temptation!

HHallelujah (Praise Yahweh!)

E:  I entrust Everything to you!

W:  Give me Wisdom!

A:  Draw All men to yourself!

YYahweh is my shepherd! (Psalm 23)

Yahweh is the personal name of God. You may have noticed that the prayer for H, Hallelujah, is "Praise Yahweh". That's because Hallelujah means praise Yahweh. Hallelu means praise. Jah is short for Yahweh. In modern times Jah is pronounced as Yah. That's how Hallelujah means praise Yahweh. 

The last prayer in THE WAY requires an explanation as well. The prayer for Y is "Yahweh is my shepherd!" Your English Bible may have rendered this passage as "The LORD is my shepherd" instead of "Yahweh is my shepherd." If your version reads LORD instead of Yahweh, the translators have chosen to replace God's personal name with the title LORD. This is probably explained in your Bible's introduction, preface or principles of translation. To learn more about this practice, see subchapter A4, titled "Yahweh", in the appendix to this book. In that subchapter you will learn of translations which honor God by rendering His personal name as He commanded... as Yahweh.

Click here to see the scriptures on which each prayer is based and a commentary on those scriptures.

Acrostic 3: POWER

Jesus said, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You will be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Some of these prayers are hard to pray. We need POWER from the Holy Spirit to pray them. If you can't pray them, ask the Lord to reveal His will in you. Ask Him to multiply your faith and love. This acrostic also comes from the Endorsed Prayers. It is called "Power".

Prayers in the Acrostic P.O.W.E.R.

P:   I Praise you, even in Pain! 

O:   Do Obedience in us! 

W:  Reveal your Will

E:   Bless my Enemy

R:   Lord, I humbly ask you Rebuke those who sin!

These three acrostics include twenty-two of the thirty-two Endorsed Prayers.

Click here to see the scriptures on which each prayer is based and a commentary on those scriptures.

Acrostic 4: KINGS (Abridged)

This acrostic does not come from the Endorsed Prayers. In other words, they are not necessarily prayers that scripture admonishes us to pray by instruction or example. But they are prayers based on scriptures which elicit praise. It is a powerful acrostic called KINGS. This is the abridged version of KINGS.

K: You are King of Kings! You establish kings! You remove kings

I:   In Christ we have every spiritual blessing, to inherit a kingdom!

N: I am called by your Name

G: Both Father and Son have Given us their glory! 

S: We Saints will reign forever, with you! 

Now you know four prayer acrostics. If you can remember the sentence, Kings follow Christ, the way & power, you can pray twenty-eight prayers from scripture. Now you know what to talk about when you talk to God!

Click here to see the scriptures on which each prayer is based and a commentary on those scriptures.

Acronym 5: KINGS (Unabridged)

Each letter in the acrostic K.I.N.G.S. represents the main idea behind a group of praises.

K:   King

I:    In Christ

N:  Name

G:  Gift

S:  Saints

Here are the praises from K.I.N.G.S.


You are King of Kings!

You establish kings!

You remove kings!

You decide when nations begin!

You decide when nations end!

You decide the boundaries of the nations!


In Christ, we have every spiritual blessing!

We were slaves of sin!

We are redeemed and forgiven,

holy and blameless before you,

with your Holy Spirit within us.

We are predestined to adoption as sons,

 to inherit a kingdom.


Your name is above every name!

I am called by your name!

Your name will be on me! I belong to you!

You will give me a new, secret name!


The Father gave us to the Son!

The Son gave us the words of the Father!!

The Son gave us eternal life!

Father and Son have given us their glory!



Receive the kingdoms of the world;

Inherit the kingdom;

Judge the world;

Judge angels;

Sit with you on your throne;

Reign forever, with you!

Click here  to see the scriptures on which each prayer is based and a commentary on those scriptures.

Acronym 6: WWW  J  CHRIST  L  P

This acronym is about the workings of the Holy Spirit. The basic letters of the acronym are WWW J  CHRIST  L  P . The phrase... WWW Jesus Christ Loves People makes it easy to remember. The letter J stands for Jesus. L stands for love. P stands for people. WWW Jesus Christ Loves People. It's simple!

Each letter of the acrostic stands for one or more workings of the Holy Spirit. The acrostic focuses on workings which help us to walk by the Spirit. Twenty-eight workings are represented by the acrostic.

This is an acronym that you may pray!

So, here is the acrostic with the workings of the Holy Spirit that are associated with each letter:



Witness (Inner Witness)     

Words for witnessing 




Conduit for God's love  

Convicts unbelievers of sin


Confession (true) 






Reminds us of scripture 

Resisted (Holy Spirit can be resisted.)







Speaks through us 







Lied to (Holy Spirit can be lied to)






This acronym has been designed so that you can pray it.  As you pray you will have fellowship with God. He will give you insight and understanding into the spiritual realm. 

Click here for a detailed explanation of this acronym and scriptures. 

The page that will open includes my prayer through the entire acronym.  You can pray it with me. When we pray the workings of the Holy Spirit, there is a lot of praise!

Acronym 7: HOW SO

This is one of the all important disciple making and evangelism acronyms.  It presents the prayer conversion corridor. These prayers recognize that we are under authority, that God has the power to save souls and that we are His servants.

How do we pray for the salvation of the lost? The acrostic HOW SO answers this question.

Each of the five letters in the acrostic H.O.W. S.O. represents the main idea behind each of the five prayers.

H: Harvest.

O: Open

W: Words, Witness, Watch

S: Spread

O: One

Prayer Acrostic: HOW SO

H: Send workers into the Harvest.

O: Open Doors for the word.

W: Give us Words for witnessing as we watch in prayer.

S: Make your word Spread rapidly.

O: Make us One.

All of these prayers were presented in subchapter 4.4 titled "Endorsed Prayers for Making Disciples". They reveal a prayer corridor to conversion. They are also a prayer corridor  towards maturity in Christ. They may be prayed for both purposes. 

Click here for a detailed explanation of this acronym and scriptures.

Acronym 8: PASS

The apostles passed the faith using a two-step process. They repeated the words of the Father and prayed. Now, I will divide those two steps into four mini steps. 

Here is how we PASS the faith. It's easy:





Here is how we PASS the faith with a little more detail:

PPRAY the scriptures.

AAsk for words of the gospel.

SSpeak, the words God gives you.

S: The Holy Spirit does the rest.

Click here for a detailed explanation of this acronym and scriptures.

Acronym 9: PRAY

This acronym reminds us of how to PRAY the scriptures in the way of the Fifth Path. Here is the PRAY acronym which was introduced to you in subchapter 1.1.

Here is how we PRAY scripture:

P: Praise

R: Read

A: Ask

Y: Yield

Here is how we PRAY scripture, with a little more detail.

PPraise and Thanksgiving

RRead to God who is within, seeking the heart of the passage. 

AAsk for forgiveness, obedience, revelation and other requests pertinent to the passage.

YYield in spirit to those words of God which touched us as we read 

By the way. The A in PRAY reminds us to ask for forgiveness, obedience, revelation and other requests pertinent to the passage. This can be easily remembered by the acronym F.O.R. The acronym F.O.R. tells us what to ask for as we PRAY scripture.

F: Forgiveness

O: Obedience and Other requests 

R: Revelation

The Endorsed Prayers of Forgiveness, Obedience and Revelation are presented from the scriptures in subchapters 4.3i, 4.3f, 4.2d and 4.2c, respectively. Many think it odd to ask God for obedience. But this is precisely what the apostle Paul did:

  • "Now I pray to God that you do no evil" (2 Corinthians 13:7, subchapter 4.2f).

Weekday Prayer Mnemonic 

A mnemonic is a memory technique. This mnemonic can bring balance and proportion to our intercessory prayers. Each day of the week we will pray for a different group of people.

Su Church Leaders and Missionaries

M  Malicious enemies and persecutors

Tu Unbelievers

W Work

Th Thrones (Government, Rulers) 

F  Family

Sa Saints

So, by the end of the each week, you will have prayed for your church leaders, enemies, unbelievers, co-workers, clients, customers, business allies and business enemies, government leaders, family, friends and believers (saints). The word saint is typically used to refer to elite Christians. But I am using the scriptural meaning of the word, a believer in Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:2 reads "to the assembly of God which is at Corinth—those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints." The Greek word, hagios, is translated as "saints" in both Catholic and Protestant Bibles. 

Pray Without Ceasing!

We are to pray at all times, in everything, continually and without ceasing. Click here to see what the scriptures reveal.

Moses prayed for forty days and forty nights:
"So I fell down before Yahweh the forty days and forty nights that I fell down... I prayed to Yahweh"
Deuteronomy 9:18-26

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