"If we live by the Spirit,
let's also walk by the Spirit."
(Galatians 5:25)
For today's devotional...
You are in subchapter 3.7 of the free, online book, Fellowship With God in the Sixth Path, featuring daily devotionals with a focus on Galatians 5:25.
"If we live by the Spirit,
let's also walk by the Spirit"
(Galatians 5:25).
The Holy Spirit, Prayer and Scripture
In the New Covenant age of the indwelling Holy Spirit, fellowship with God is far more dynamic and interactive than it was in the Old Testament.
Fellowship with God is more than simply living by God's moral code. It is powerful, personal, pervasive, intimate and conversational.
The phrase "Holy Spirit" is three hundred times more likely to occur in the New Testament than in the Old Testament. In fact, the New Testament describes this New Covenant relationship with the phrase "walk by the Spirit". That phrase never occurs in the Old Testament. Not once.
New Testament scripture tells us what the Holy Spirit does, how to pray and how to understand scripture.
In this series, you will see:
- Twenty criteria for understanding scripture,
- Thirty activities of the Holy Spirit
- Forty prayers that Christ, the apostles and prophets prayed or instructed us to pray
- Many other scriptures related to walking by the Spirit
When we know the prayers that holy men prayed and understand what the Holy Spirit does, then we can follow Christ in the invisible, spiritual realm. Only then can we move beyond living by rules and... walk by the Spirit.
These Devotionals are Prayers
In the Walk by the Spirit Devotionals, instead of reading about God, we talk to God. That is because God has told us to pray "continually, always, at all times, in everything", and "without ceasing".4.12
Pervasive, scriptural prayer is the essence of walking by the Spirit.
So, we will talk to God about His words in these devotionals.
122 Devotionals
The series was originally published with thirty devotionals and more will be added until there are a total of 122. Start with today's devotional and do one each day. After you have done 122, the series will start over again. If you continue in the series for one year, you will do each devotional three times per year.
The same devotionals that are shown in January will also be shown in May and September. The devotionals which show in February will also show in June and October. The devotionals which show in March will show again in July and November. The devotionals which show in April will show in August and December.
For today's devotional...