Chapter 5
Fellowship with God in Pain

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5.6  Signs of What Must Occur Quickly: To Reveal Jesus

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John"

(Revelation 1:1, ASV).

If you do not hear and keep the entire depth of this first verse... you will be lost in the book of Revelation... as I was for over fifty years. 

In this subchapter, I will reveal the singular theme of the book of Revelation: SIGNS OF WHAT MUST OCCUR QUICKLY: TO REVEAL JESUS.

Signs of Events

In the first verse of the book of Revelation we see: "he signified it... things which must shortly come to pass". "Things" refers to events. "Shortly" means that they will come to pass quickly, to be explained in the next section. "Signified" means that events are presented by signs. That is, they are presented figuratively, rather than literally. For example, we see that every living thing in the sea died and the rivers and springs became blood in Revelation 16:3-4. If you read 15:1-16:4, you will see that these are called "plagues". According to 1:1, these plagues should be taken figuratively rather than literally. That is because the events were "signified". But, I was taught, incorrectly, that these plagues, are to be taken as literal apocalyptic events... that no life was left in the oceans and that all rivers and springs became blood. If these plagues occur literally, then they must be experienced globally, by all mankind at once. But 22:18 makes that understanding impossible. Regarding individuals who commit a particular sin mentioned in 22:18 we are told, "may God add to him the plagues which are written in this book". This means that the plagues are of a type to be experienced individually... and experienced individually from the first century when the book was written until now. "Every living thing in the sea died" (16:3) can not be experienced by one individual without being experienced by the whole world. If every living thing in the sea died literally every time anyone committed the sin of 22:18 since the book was written, all sea life would have died many times. This has not happened. So, "every living thing in the sea died" must be taken figuratively, to possibly represent hunger or dire circumstances. Only if we accept the plagues as figurative, as 1:1 has plainly said, can the passages make sense. All of this will be understood and proven in greater depth as you prayerfully read on. The sections titled, "Revelation by Signs" and "Multiple-Figurative or Singular-Literal" will focus on the Greek word semaino, its translation as the word "signified" and the figurative nature of the book of Revelation.

God's use of the word semaino in Revelation 1:1 guides us to interpret the images in the book figuratively. And what John heard informs and guides our interpretations of what he saw. Even if God had not used the word semaino, the bowl judgements would need to be seen as figurative because of Revelation 22:18. And since the bowl judgements and trumpet judgements occur as pairs, with the same object of wrath, the trumpet judgements would be figurative as well, with or without the use of the word semaino in Revelation 1:1. If you will click here, you will see that the trumpet and bowl judgements stretch from Revelation 8:1 through the end of chapter 20. Those chapters make up a large portion of the book. Though the messages presented by numerous images are figurative... they are figurative communications of real events. The persecution of Christians, 666, death, judgement, rapture, paradise, millennial kingdom, New Jerusalem and etc. are real events.

By the way, if you too have been taught incorrectly that the book should be taken as primarily literal, please prayerfully consider what scripture says. Through prayerful meditation on scripture you can have more understanding than all of your teachers.

"I have more understanding than all my teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation" (Psalm 119:99).

Click here to understand Psalm 119:99. Click here to learn how to read scripture, to learn how to meditate... on scripture.

Now, lets return to the book of Revelation. From the scripture, I will explain how the whole book of Revelation reveals Jesus, that Jesus is revealed by signs and how the prophecies are fulfilled quickly.

Prophecies to be Fulfilled Quickly

At the beginning and the end of the book of Revelation, we are told that its prophecies will be fulfilled quickly.

The First Verse in the Book of Revelation:

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John"

(Revelation 1:1, ASV).

Words of Jesus in the Last Chapter of the Book of Revelation:

  • "The Lord God of the spirits of the prophets sent his angel to show to his bondservants the things which must happen soon... (Revelation 22:6). 
  • "Behold, I come quickly..." (Revelation 22:7).
  • "... the time is at hand" (Revelation 22:10).
  • "Behold, I come quickly..." (Revelation 22:12).

In the second to last sentence of the Book of Revelation, Jesus said:

  • "Yes, I come quickly" (Revelation 22:20).

Yes, the book of Revelation clearly stated that the prophecies within it would be fulfilled quickly. Critics say that they were not.

In this page, I will provide clear explanations, which you have probably never heard... explanations which are not speculations from a theological system, but are explanations from express statements of scripture.

It is scripture which has said that the prophecies will be fulfilled "quickly". 

It is scripture which will define the meaning of "quickly"... for those who will hear.

Now is the time to ask God for understanding... if you will not ask, you will not understand (James 4:2). 

(Pause for prayer)

(Pause for prayer)

Scripture Defines the Word "Quickly"

The book of Revelation foretells the great tribulation, second coming of Christ, rapture, resurrection, Armageddon, 1000 year reign of Christ, last battle, great white throne judgement, lake of fire and eternal state in the New Jerusalem. Yes, a quick fulfillment of all these things was prophesied in the book of Revelation way back in the first century. And, these things have not come to pass!

Have the prophecies failed?


Scripture has said that the prophecies will be fulfilled "quickly". It is scripture which will define the meaning of "quickly".

If you will prayerfully read on, you will see.

Even for a boy who heard the book of Revelation in the first century, and died at the age of eighty, a quick fulfillment of the prophecies will come true, just as Jesus said. For that boy, as he grew old and eventually died, his life passed "quickly" (Psalm 90:10). He closed his eyes in death, into departed spirit sleep, and he will open his eyes to the rapture at the resurrection, "in the twinkling of an eye" (1 Corinthians 15:50-52). When he sees Christ he will become like Christ (1 John 3:2), Being like Christ, a thousand years will pass like a day, because a thousand years passes as a day for Christ (2 Peter 3:1-8, 8). In other words, a thousand years in a pre-resurrection state may pass like a mere day in a post resurrection state. Therefore, the great tribulation, second coming of Christ, rapture, resurrection, millennial reign of Christ, last battle, great white throne judgement, lake of fire and New Jerusalem will occur quickly... as if in one day. 

It is scripture which has said that the prophecies will be fulfilled "quickly". It is scripture which has defined the meaning of "quickly"... for those who will hear.

All of this, I will explain in greater detail, from the scriptures, as you read and pray. Understanding comes to those who pray!

Theme of the Book of Revelation

The singular theme of the book of Revelation: SIGNS OF WHAT MUST OCCUR QUICKLY: TO REVEAL JESUS.

First I will briefly explain my pathway to the singular theme of the book. Then I will reveal the singular theme of the book in four sections followed by five supplemental sections about the meaning of "quickly" and two outlines.

On this page you will see:


My Pathway to the Singular Theme

Singular Theme

  • Revelation of Jesus Christ
  • Revelation Through Signs
  • Multiple-Figurative, or Singular-Literal?
  • Adding to the Book of Revelation
  • Signs of Events to Occur Quickly


What is Meant by "Quickly"?

  • Multiple Figurative View
  • Relative Perception of Quickly
  • How can 1000 Years be Quick?
  • Close Your Eyes and it Will Be
  • Departed Spirit Sleep


Two Outlines

  • Thematic Outline of the book of Revelation
  • Structural Outline of the book of Revelation

My Pathway to the Singular Theme

For decades I believed, as I was taught, that the prophecies in last 19 chapters in the book of Revelation, chapters 4-22, are in the future, that they have not yet happened. But, the book of Revelation stated that the prophecies were to be fulfilled quickly. It has been two-thousand years since the book was written. So, I concluded that my teachers were incorrect. All of those prophecies could not be in my future if they were to be fulfilled quickly for those who heard it in the first century. Then, for nearly a decade, I came to accept the historical view that the prophecies presented in chapters 4-18 had already occurred. But the rapture, which has not yet occurred, is presented in verses 14-16 of chapter 14. So, the historical view did not work either. Click here to see that the rapture occurs in Revelation 14. Since these views were inconsistent with scripture, I prayerfully digested the book of Revelation and came to understand it from what it expressly says about its self... instead of what others impute to it. 

Coming to understand two other doctrines was critical to resolving the alleged contradictions in the book of Revelation: 

Click the links to Departed Spirit Sleep and Matthew 24:34 above for an in depth study of those doctrines.

Revelation of Jesus Christ

The singular theme of the book of Revelation is: 

Signs of What Must Occur Quickly: To Reveal Jesus. 

First I will show, from the scriptures, that the purpose of the entire book is to reveal the person of Jesus Christ. The book reveals the person of Christ by His actions. 

  • "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John" (Revelation 1:1, ASV).

In this first verse of the book of Revelation, we see that this revelation, or communication of hidden things, was given by GOD to Jesus Christ; that Christ gave it to his angel; that his angel signified it to JOHN, meaning that John received it by signs. Then John sent the signs to the seven angels of the seven CHURCHES (2:1, 2:8, 2:12, 2:18, 3:1, 3:7, 3:14). Last, the seven angels (seven spirits) communicated it to the seven churches (1:4). Click here to see that the seven angels who receive the revelation in  2:1, 2:8, 2:12, 2:18, 3:1, 3:7 and 3:14 appear to be the same as the seven spirits who sent it to the seven churches in 1:4. By the way, the equivalence of the seven angels and the seven spirits explains the mystery of how the seven spirits in 1:4 send the signs to the seven churches (seven assemblies): "to the seven assemblies... from the seven Spirits" (1:4). 

Thus we are shown avenues of communication in the spiritual realm. 

We find that the revelation came 

  • from GOD to Christ, 
  • from Christ to His angel, 
  • from His angel to John, 
  • from John to the seven angels, 
  • from the seven angels (spirits) to the churches. 

Therefore, the book seems to be the Revelation of God, since it originated in God. 

But, that is not what verse said. The scripture said that the book is the Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to Jesus. Please read it again.

  • "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John" (Revelation 1:1, ASV).

After a thorough and prayerful study of the book it becomes clear that the book of Revelation is a revelation of the person of Jesus Christ. God is the author. But, the book reveals Jesus through His actions, much like a boxer is revealed in the boxing match and a runner is revealed as he competes in a race. God wrote the play book to reveal the person of Jesus Christ, through the actions of Jesus Christ, as Jesus Christ rips the kingdoms of the world from Satan's grasp and gives them to His servants, who will rule forever through Him (Daniel 7:27, Revelation 22:3-5). God gave this play book to Christ and called it THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST, because Jesus is the one whom it reveals. In His first coming, He was revealed as savior of the world. In the book of Revelation, He is revealed as judge and king.

If you lived in the days of Alexander the Great and saw him in the market place, you would know what he looked like, and that is all. He would not be revealed to you by that experience. But Alexander the Great would be revealed to you if you saw him fight and kill with the sword as a young soldier, raise an army and train it as a general and lead it across Asia and Africa, through hardship after hardship, through victory after victory, as a conqueror. Then, after you saw what he did, he would have been revealed to you.

Some years ago, I came into the presence of a woman. She told me that a very large young man had been strangling her... that another man came upon the scene and beat the large young man unconscious with his fist. There was a lot of blood. The other man was my father. He was sixty-seven years old and recovering from open heart surgery at the time. The woman was grateful to my father. Both the young man and my father were revealed by their actions. The purpose of my father's violence was very different from the young man's... and also very different from Alexander the Great's. 

It is the same with any person. We are revealed by what we do. 

My earthly father was revealed in his actions when he delivered the woman as she was being strangled. 

But context was absolutely necessary to correctly reveal my father. 

If one saw my father beat that man unconscious with his fist, without knowing why... without knowing that the young man was strangling a woman, and that my father was saving the woman from him... one might see my father as an evil, angry and dangerous man. But, if one first saw the young man strangling the woman... seeing her struggle hopelessly, becoming weaker, unable to breath, her eyes bulging. Then, when my father was seen beating the young man unconscious, my father would have been revealed as a courageous man, risking himself to save another. 

We must be aware of the wickedness of evil, so that when God's judgement comes, we see the justice in God's judgement. Outside of the context of the wickedness and brutality of evil, the judgement of God could look unjust.

Our Lord Christ will be revealed in His actions when He  delivers the children of God in Revelation 14:14-20 as they are being slaughtered by the beast (666) in Revelation 13:1-14:13. In Revelation 14:14-20 we see the rapture of God's children and bloody Armageddon.

"Since it is a righteous thing with God to repay affliction to those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted with us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming firepunishing those who don't know God, and to those who don't obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus, who will pay the penalty: eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of his might, 10 when he comes in that day to be glorified in his saints..." (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10).

It is absolutely clear. Jesus will be revealed (v 7) in flaming fire, bringing relief (v 7) and punishment (v 8)

This passage from 2 Thessalonians is telling us that Jesus will be revealed by His actions at the second coming. And, the book of Revelation reveals Jesus through His actions and through the context of the martyrs at His coming, in great detail, through figurative prophecies.

It will not be a pretty sight. From the point of view of the woman who was delivered by my father as she was being strangled, the ugliness of her attacker lying in a pool of blood did not detract from her joy at being rescued. To the contrary, she was full of joy and appreciation to the one who delivered her. But, let us return to Revelation 1:1...

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John" (Revelation 1:1, ASV).

Now, I will divide this first verse into its three parts. Please prayerfully consider:

  • "This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ," 
  • "which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass,"
  • "and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant, John" (Revelation 1:1, ASV)

The book of Revelation is so complicated, with so many participants and so many working parts, signs and symbols that, even after forty readings it is difficult to digest. I know from experience.

In chapter 1 we see Jesus presented as the subject of the book in the phrase "revelation of Jesus Christ". Chapters 2 - 20 are rigidly organized in seven messages, seven seals, seven trumpets and seven bowls... and all of these sevens come by or through Jesus... He breaks the seals to unleash the judgements (5:5). Then chapters 21 and 22 describe life in the eternal state with Jesus.  Yes, Jesus is at the center of the entire book... the book is the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Chapter 1 describes the appearance of Jesus as so terrifying that John collapses as if dead (1:12-17). Chapters 2-3 contain seven messages from Jesus to seven churches, promising blessings to those who overcome. In chapters 4-5, it is Jesus in the throne room who will break the seven seals on the scroll to bring about the relief and judgement which is described in chapters 6-20. These chapters provide much detail regarding Satan, his demons and human followers, as they persecute the children of God, to provide context to the severity of judgement which Jesus will bring, so that Jesus is revealed as a just judge. Chapters 21-22 reveal the New Jerusalem, the city of the children of God, as the bride of Christ, in the eternal state of Heaven. The entire book of Revelation reveals Jesus.

So, the content of the book of Revelation indicates that the book reveals Jesus Christ. And you have now been prepared to see that He is revealed through "the things which must shortly come to pass" (1:1).

Now that we see that the book is THE REVELATION OF THE PERSON OF JESUS CHRIST, we will focus on the middle portion of verse one. I will repeat the first verse for your prayerful consideration:

  • "This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ,"
  • "which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass,"
  • "and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant, John" (Revelation 1:1, ASV)

The first bullet shows that the book is a revelation of Jesus. The second bullet shows that God is the author of this book. God gave it to Jesus. The second bullet also shows that Jesus is revealed through "things which must shortly come to pass" (events). Jesus is revealed through events. The passage does not say that these things are in the distant future, to occur thousands of years later. God said "the things which must shortly come to pass". I quoted the ASV. The ESV, NASB, NIV, KJV AND NKJV respectively say "must soon take place", "must soon take place", "must soon take place", "must shortly come to pass" and "must shortly take place". 

Now, we will focus on the last portion of Revelation 1:1.

I will repeat the first verse again for your prayerful consideration:

  • "This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ,"
  • "which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass,"
  • "and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant, John" (Revelation 1:1, ASV)

The first bullet shows that the book is a revelation of Jesus. The second bullet shows that Jesus is revealed through events which shall shortly come to pass. The third bullet shows that the events which reveal Jesus Christ were signified through the angel of Jesus. Signified means that they were made known by a SIGNS. So, the third bullet explains that the Jesus is revealed through events which are communicated through SIGNS. 

As you continue to read, you will see that the singular theme of the book is:

Signs of What Must Occur Quickly: To Reveal Jesus.

Only as you keep that truth will you be prepared to hear the book properly and therefore be fully blessed by hearing it as God intended. If you read it and walk away with confusion, you did not receive what God intended (1 Corinthians 14:33). 

Now I will show in greater depth, that God is communicating this revelation through SIGNS.

Revelation Through Signs

  • "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John" (Revelation 1:1, ASV).

The word "signified" is a translation of the Greek word semaino. Instead of "signified" some modern translations have rendered semaino as "made known".  The three literal translations I use render semaino as "signified", "signify" and "by signs" (Green, Young and Rotherham, respectively). The word means to give a sign. NASB shows "signified" as an alternate translation. Semaino is the word found in the Greek text referred to as the majority texts, as well as the Greek texts underlying the NIV, NASB and KJV.

The following Bibles all translate semaino as "signified": King James Version, American Standard Version, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Common English Translation (Public Domain), Wycliffe, Douay-Rheims, NKJV, AKJV, KJ21, DLNT, EHV, JUB and MEV.

The translation "made known" is not wrong. But, it does conceal part of what God said and can lead to great misunderstanding as it did me for fifty years. It is helpful to know that Jesus has been "made known" through various future events by the use of SIGNS. For example, the great red dragon in 12:3 is a SIGN, representing Satan (12:9). The beast represented by the number 666 doesn't really have seven heads (13:1, 18). The seven headed beast is a SIGN. The book of Revelation is FULL OF SIGNS. We must "learn not to think beyond the things which are written" (1 Corinthians 4:6, subchapter 1.5). We should not take as literal, what God has expressly stated is figurative... as SIGNS. 

Here is Rotherham's translation:

  • "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to point out unto his servants the things which must needs come to pass with speed, - and he shewed them by signs..." (Revelation 1:1).

So, it is clear that the book of Revelation communicates future events figuratively, by SIGNS... SIGNS of real events, but SIGNS. And these events and signs reveal Jesus Christ. 

Multiple-Figurative, or Singular-Literal?

Is there one single, literal fulfillment of the plagues? Or, are the plagues figurative, of severe tribulation and dire circumstances... tribulation which occurs on multiple occasions. Based on the first verse of Revelation, the book reveals Jesus through signs. But, I had been taught to take the seven bowl judgements in the book of Revelation literally and singularly. It was still unclear to me if the bowl judgements were signs of the judgements or the actual judgements. The seven bowls of plagues in the book of Revelation are called the bowl judgements. The first four bowl judgements from Revelation 16:1-9 are summarized below. In John's vision, he saw four angels pour out the first four bowls of wrath with the following results:

Bowl 1: Malignant sores on those who had the mark of the beast. 

Bowl 2: Everything in the sea died. 

Bowl 3: The rivers and springs turned to blood. 

Bowl 4: Man was scorched by fire from the sun.

Are these plagues to be understood literally or symbolicaly? If they are to be taken literally:

  • People will have a mark on their skin.
  • Those who have the mark will get malignant sores.
  • Everything in the sea will die.
  • The rivers and springs will turn to blood.
  • Fire from the sun will burn men.

I had been taught that those events are literal events and I believed in a future, literal fulfilment of them. I didn't see them as signs. (I didn't see them figuratively.) But a verse within the book of Revelation, near the very end of the book, has changed my mind. 

Jesus said: "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, if anyone adds to them, may God add to him the plagues which are written in this book" (Revelation 22:18).

Note the words "may God add to him the plagues". It didn't say that God would add these plagues to the entire world.

I had been asking God to help me interpret the book of Revelation for some time. Then, I awakened one morning with this thought:

If the plagues are literal plagues, then every time anyone added to the words of Revelation in the last 2000 years, the following had to occur: 

Bowl 1: Malignant sores on those who had the mark of the beast. 

Bowl 2: Everything in the sea died. 

Bowl 3: The rivers and springs turned to blood. 

Bowl 4: Man was scorched by fire from the sun.

These plagues were to be directed against the one who added to the words of the book of Revelation. This is an individual plague. If the bowl judgements are to be taken literally, I would expect this individual to experience: 

  • malignant sores from bowl 1, 
  • death of all sea life from bowl 2, 
  • rivers and springs turning to blood from bowl 3
  • being scorched with fire from heaven through bowl 4. 

IF the bowl judgements are taken literally, then these things would have taken place literally. And they would have taken place every time anyone added to the words of the book of Revelation over the last 2000 years. That means multiple, literal, global occurrences every time anyone added to the words of the book of Revelation.

I have no reason to believe that this has happened literally and therefore globally. These plagues are of a type that they may be experienced individually, not just globally. And since an individual can not experience the death of all sea life without the entire globe experiencing the death of all sea life, the plagues must be taken figuratively, possibly figurative of hunger or dire circumstances.

Because scripture tells us that man is very disobedient, one should expect that many, over the last 2000 years, have disobeyed this prohibition against adding to the words of the book of Revelation. With many violations over the last two millennium, this verse means that the plagues have already occurred, individually and figuratively. They came to pass every time anyone added to the words of the book of Revelation. And they will come to pass individually and figuratively in the future every time anyone adds to the words of the book of Revelation. This means that there is not one single fulfillment of each plague. It means that there are multiple, individual, figurative fulfillments. It means they must be taken figuratively since they have not taken place literally. It means that they can take place, from time to time, based on the conduct of men.

But, the individual, figurative experience of the bowl plagues, which comes because of adding to the book of Revelation (22:18), does not mean that the bowl plagues will not be experienced generally, by many at the primary fulfillment of each plague. 

So, multiple, figurative fulfilment of the bowl plagues are:

  • General - Primary
  • Individual - Secondary

Many secondary, individual, figurative fulfilments will precede the primary general, figurative fulfilment of the bowl judgements.

So, instead of a singular, literal fulfillment of the bowl judgements, the prophecy contemplates a general, primary, figurative fulfillment of the judgements and also multiple, individual, figurative secondary fulfillments of the judgements, all of which could have happened soon... as Revelation 1:1 stated:

"This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things which must happen soon... " (Revelation 1:1).

"must happen soon"...

Now we need greater detail about one of the most difficult questions about the book of Revelation: How did the events occur "soon"? 

Well, the answer for the singular, general fulfillment is different from the multiple, individual fulfillments. The multiple, individual fulfillments have probably been occurring from the first century till now, anytime anyone "adds to" the book of Revelation (22:18).So, they are being fulfilled "soon" in every generation. But, the singular, general fulfillment of the bowl judgements has not yet occurred, since it was prophesied in the first century. At the top of this page I provided an explanation of how the prophecies occurred "soon", by the brevity of life (Psalm 90:10), the doctrine of departed spirit sleep and by becoming like Christ after the resurrection to experience time as He does. (A thousand years is like a day.) The brevity of life, the doctrine of departed spirit sleep and post resurrection Christ likeness reconcile the lack of a singular, general fulfillment to date, to the prophecy of quick fulfillment in Revelation 1:1.  Only through these three scriptural doctrines can I see that the singular, general fulfillment may be properly understood as coming "soon". 

With the explanations I have provided, I see no contradiction between Revelation 1:1 and history. I see no contradiction between history and Revelation 22:18 (which warns of plagues on those who add to the book). 

So, how do we understand these plagues symbolically? They are symbolic of severe tribulation, dire circumstances. Look at them:

  • Bowl 1: Malignant sores on those who had the mark of the beast. 
  • Bowl 2: Everything in the sea died. 
  • Bowl 3: The rivers and springs turned to blood. 
  • Bowl 4: Man was scorched by fire from the sun.

If we understand them to be symbolic of severe tribulation and dire circumstances, then the plagues have clearly occurred more than once in the last 2000 years. Dire circumstances occur in every generation. They occur constantly for some people. 

If we understand the plagues to be symbolic of severe tribulation and dire circumstances, the difficulty of Revelation 22:18 is resolved. 

The plagues are showing us symbolically how Jesus Christ is overcoming Satan's persecutions of Christians in our days, in the days before our days and in the days of the future. Preterists and partial preterists believe that there were singular events in the past which have already fulfilled most of the prophecies of the book of Revelation. I pray that God will reveal their misunderstandings to them so they will see that there are probably multiple fulfillments in all of our lifetimes. Futurists believe that the vast majority of the prophecies are to be taken literally as singular events in our future. I pray that God will reveal to them that there have been multiple, individual fulfillments. I also pray that God will reveal to you and me, the errors in our views and conduct.

The bowl judgements must all be considered as symbolic rather than literal. And since the bowl judgements and trumpet judgements occur as pairs, with the same object of wrath, the trumpet judgements must also be considered as symbolic rather than literal. The trumpet and bowl judgements are symbolic of real events, like the rapture, martyrdom and Armageddon. But, they are not literal. For example, Revelation 14:14-16 is symbolic of the rapture (also called the harvest). Christ will not literally hack the Christians with a sharp sickle. He will take us into the age which follows the resurrection, the millennial kingdom. (For more on this age click here and read the sections titled, "What is the Last Day" and "When is the Last Day" in subchapter 5.5.) The language about the harvest is symbolic, not literal.

Conclusion: Multiple-Figurative

I see the prophecies of the book of Revelation as being multiple-figurative... being figurative prophecies, fulfilled in multiple fulfillments through real events, events which have been occurring from the time the book of Revelation was written to the present day. Christ has come many times to many people and will continue to do so until the great crescendo of His comings at the rapture and Armageddon. The prophecies do not merely represent themes of truth. They are fulfilled by real events in the lives of people, angels and fallen angels. I do not see that the prophecies are singular-figurative or singular-literal unless something in the text requires that understanding. 

However, some events have singular fulfillment, but the singular fulfillment is experienced many times throughout history... so that the single fulfillment is experienced "quickly". Consider for example: the rapture (14:14-16), Armageddon (14:17-20; 19:17-21), assignment of the beast to the lake of fire (19:20) and the binding of Satan during the 1000 year reign of Christ (20:1-10). History, plus the content and context of these events leads me to believe that they will occur only once (in the future) so that they are fulfilled singularly. But the Christian who closed his eyes to enter the sleep of death in 120 AD, will, when his eyes are opened at what we call the second coming, see all of those events as if they came in the twinkling of an eye, immediately after the death of his body in 120 AD. Christians who died in 500 AD, 1500 AD, 2000 AD and 2500 AD will have the same experience. All of those singular, yet to be fulfilled events will be experienced quickly in their perspective. The sections below, including one titled, "Departed Spirit Sleep" will lead you into greater detail and proof of this from many, many, many scriptures. 

I do not see that these singular events can be reconciled to the quick fulfillment prophecy without the doctrine of the brevity of life from Psalm 90:10, the doctrine of departed spirit sleep and without experiencing time as Jesus does after the rapture and resurrection.

This way of viewing the book of Revelation may depart from what has been taught in the last century. It departs from what I have been taught. But, I believe that these views avoid the gross contradictions between what I have been taught and the infallible, inerrant, all powerful, indestructible and living word of God.

What I just wrote may have made some of you very angry. Take your thoughts to God in prayer. Ask God to correct my misunderstandings as well as yours. I have many times experienced anger at teachings which contradicted what I thought God's word said. After twenty or thirty years, many of my beliefs changed, with much prayerful meditation on scripture, through long nights and much suffering. Please prayerfully consider the book of Revelation as I have presented. If you believe that I have contradicted God's word, please contact me through the discussion page link at the top right of this page. 

Multiple Fulfillment

I have one more thing to say about multiple fulfillment. Jesus explicitly stated that prophecy may have multiple fulfillments. 

Here is an Old Testament prophecy: God said, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of Yahweh comes" (Malachi 4:5). Then, over 400 years later, roughly 33 AD, at the transfiguration of Jesus in Matthew 17:1-13 we see these words, "His disciples asked him, saying, "Then why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?" 11 Jesus answered them, "Elijah indeed comes first, and will restore all things12 but I tell you that Elijah has come already, and they didn't recognize him, but did to him whatever they wanted to. Even so the Son of Man will also suffer by them." 13 Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them of John the Baptizer" (Matthew 17:10-13).

But, even John the Baptizer didn't know that he was Elijah (John 1:6-23, especially 19-21).

John the Baptizer had already been killed by king Herod when Jesus said that John was Elijah. So, at the time Jesus spoke these words, in roughly 33 AD, Elijah "has come already" through John the Baptizer and "will restore all things". "Has come" is in the past tense. "Will restore" is in the future tense. The great and terrible day of the Lord had not occurred at that time, and Elisha is to come again before the great and terrible day of the Lord to "restore all things". So, we have a clear example of multiple fulfillment of prophecy, over a long period of time. 

So, other signs may have multiple fulfillment, in addition to the bowls and trumpets which were extensively discussed above.

That concludes this section on multiple-figurative fulfillment.

Next, we will investigate the warning in the book of Revelation, to not add to its words.

Adding to the Book of Revelation

Much has been said here regarding the consequences of adding to the book of Revelation. Please prayerfully consider again the warning from scripture:

Jesus said: "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, if anyone adds to them, may God add to him the plagues which are written in this book" (Revelation 22:18).

What is meant by "adds to them"? Here are some possibilities. It could mean that we should not insert words into the text of scripture to change the words which God spoke. It could also mean that we should not say that the book of Revelation says something that it does not say.  We must "learn not to think beyond the things which are written" (1 Corinthians 4:6, subchapter 1.5).

Please pray and meditate on the following scriptures for as long as our Lord shall lead you to pray and meditate on them... minutes, hours, weeks or months... for as long as He leads you to meditate on them:

  • "Now these things, brothers, I have in a figure transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that in us you might learn not to think beyond the things which are written, that none of you be puffed up against one another" (1 Corinthians 4:6).

  • "Every word of God is flawless. He is a shield to those who take refuge in him.  Don't you add to his words, lest he reprove you, and you be found a liar" (Proverbs 30:5-6).

  • "You shall not add to the word which I command you, neither shall you take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of Yahweh your God which I command you" (Deuteronomy 4:2).

  • "But they worship me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men... making void the word of God by your tradition which you have handed down" (Mark 7:7,13). (See also Colossians 2:8, 23 and Isaiah 29:13.)

  • "But if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he doesn't yet know as he ought to know" (1 Corinthians 8:2).

These scriptures are explained in micro-subchapter 1.5h in subchapter 1.5.

Next, I will show that God has clearly stated that the events prophesied in the book of Revelation will occur quickly

Signs of Events to Occur Quickly

  • "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John; who bare witness of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, even of all things that he saw" (Revelation 1:1-2, ASV).

The singular theme of the book of Revelation is SIGNS OF WHAT MUST OCCUR QUICKLY: TO REVEAL JESUS

The prophesy that the events prophesied will occur quickly is repeated throughout the book of Revelation:

  1. "This is the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things which must happen soon" (Revelation 1:1a).
  2. "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and keep the things that are written in it, for the time is at hand" (Revelation 1:3).
  3. "... repent and do the first works; or else I am coming to you swiftly, and will move your lamp stand out of its place, unless you repent" (Revelation 2:5b).
  4. "Repent therefore, or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of my mouth" (Revelation 2:16).
  5. "I am coming quickly! Hold firmly that which you have, so that no one takes your crown" (Revelation 3:11). 
  6. "The second woe is past. Behold, the third woe comes quickly" (Revelation 11:14).
  7. "The Lord God of the spirits of the prophets sent his angel (referring to 1:1) to show to his bondservants the things which must happen soon" (Revelation 22:6b).
  8. "Behold, I come quickly. Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book" (Revelation 22:7).
  9. "He said to me, "Don't seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand" (Revelation 22:10).
  10. "Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man according to his work" (Revelation 22:12).
  11. "He who testifies these things says, "Yes, I come quickly" (Revelation 22:20).


A quick occurrence is indicated eleven times in the book. Four of those promises of a quick event were limited to the immediate context of those particular verses (3-6). But the first two and last five of the eleven pertain to the entire book. All eleven must be taken figuratively.

I will remind you of the singular theme of the book of Revelation:


Now, you have seen that quickly occurring events are prophesied in the book of Revelation. But what is meant by quickly?

Multiple-Figurative View

As we saw above in the section titled, "Multiple-Figurative, or Singular-Literal?", the trumpet and bowl prophesies may have multiple, individual fulfillments. The other signs may have multiple fulfillments as well. These multiple fulfillments might occur in the lives of people, angels, fallen angels and countries, through real events, across the centuries. Christians have been persecuted since the crucifixion of Christ to the present day. Rome, Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Communist China and many others are examples. Desperate circumstances of people in those countries who persecuted Christians could have been fulfillments of the prophecies of the book of Revelation... prophecies made against those who persecute God's people. 

Even though the book of Revelation was written a little before 70 AD in my opinion, the prophecies did predict what was coming soon for those Christians in 70 AD and Christians in every generation since that time.

In the Multiple-Figurative View, various prophecies may have multiple fulfilments, unless multiple-fulfilment is precluded by the context. So, a prophecy may be fulfilled in every year, decade or century. 

Relative Perception of "Quickly"

How long can an event be, while still being considered to have occurred quickly? 

Well, a 15 minute lunch would be a quick meal. A four hour flight from New York City to London would be a quick trip. To complete an engineering degree at a top university in 2 years would be a quick study. To conquer the entire world in thirty years would be a quick conquest.  To totally eradicate the belief system in one of the worlds major religions in three generations would be a quick cultural transformation. Christianity originated in about 2000 BC in Genesis 15:6 when it was written of Abraham,  "He believed in Yahweh, who credited it to him for righteousness". Hinduism began around 1500 BC. Buddhism at roughly 500 BC and Islam in 1400 AD. Having become so entrenched over many centuries, a total eradication of any of them in three generations would be surprising.

So, "quick" is a relative term when comparing one event to another. It is relative to the immensity of the obstacles which must be overcome to complete the event. 

"Quick" is also relative to the person. To solve a calculous problem quickly for John may mean two minutes. For another it may mean two hours.

If you are having fun while you wait... time passes quickly.  So "quick" is also a relative term that refers to how it feels.

"The days of our years are seventy,
    or even by reason of strength eighty years;
    yet their pride is but labor and sorrow,
    for it passes quickly, and we fly away" (Psalm 90:10).

According to this verse, the scriptural view of the passage of time through a long life is that it takes place quickly.

According to scripture, eighty years passes quickly.

In the twinkle of an eye:

If you went to bed hungry, hoping for food in the morning, would morning come quickly or slowly? It depends. It depends on how well you sleep. And it depends on how quickly you receive food in the morning. If you lie down, close your eyes... and the next thing you know is that your eyes are open and breakfast is served... then the time passed quickly. It passed "in the twinkle of an eye"... just like 1 Corinthians 15:52 says it will be at the resurrection.

Suppose that you closed your eyes in death. Then, "in the twinkle of an eye" you opened your eyes to the resurrection. That would seem quick.

Remember that phrase "in the twinkling of an eye".

How Can 1000 Years Be Quick?

In Revelation 20, we are told that Satan will be bound for 1000 years so "that he shall deceive the nations no more" (vs 1-3). Martyrs for Christ will come to life and reign with Christ for this 1000 years (v 4), followed by the release of Satan and a final war (vs 7-10) and the great white throne judgement (11-15). The prophetic vision of the New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven (chapter 21) may begin fulfillment at the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ, as "the beloved city" in 20:9. Or, possibly it occurs after the 1000 year period. In the New Jerusalem, the bondservants of Christ will see His face (v 22:4) and "reign forever and ever" (v 22:5) in the New Jerusalem (21:1-22:5). The 1000 year period is called the millennial reign of Christ. But, remember the verses I quoted above which speak of "things which must happen soon" for "the time is at hand" (Revelation 22:6-7, 10). 

So, Revelation 20 speaks of a resurrection of martyrs and a 1000 year reign, during which Satan can not "deceive the nations", followed by a final war and the great judgement. Chapter 21 reveals the New Jerusalem and 22:4 states that Christ's bondservants will see His face and reign from there (22:5). 

But we have many verses from the first century stating that these things will happen soon.


Even if the millennial kingdom began the day after the book of Revelation was delivered... and even if the New Jerusalem begins on the first day of the millennial kingdom, that still leaves the great white throne judgement a 1000 years away.

Why would God have said that an event which the prophecy placed at least 1000 years away was something "which must happen soon"? 

It may have something to do with our post resurrection state...

Post Resurrection State

In our post resurrection state, the passage of time may be different for us. There is scriptural support for this. Please prayerfully consider two scriptures. Both are specifically talking about "His coming", when Jesus "is revealed". The first says that we will become like Jesus when we see Him. This occurs at the rapture and resurrection, immediately prior to Armageddon and the millennial kingdom. The second scripture says that time is different for Him. For Him, a thousand years is like a day. Here are the two verses:

  • 1) "This is now, beloved, the second letter that I have written to you; and in both of them I stir up your sincere mind by reminding you that you should remember the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior: knowing this first, that in the last days mockers will come, walking after their own lusts and saying, "Where is the promise of his coming? For, from the day that the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation." For this they willfully forget that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water by the word of God, by which means the world that existed then, being overflowed with water, perished. But the heavens that exist now and the earth, by the same word have been stored up for fire, being reserved against the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. But don't forget this one thing, beloved, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. " (1 Peter 3:1-8). 
  • 2) "Beloved, now we are children of God. It is not yet revealed what we will be; but we know that when he is revealed, we will be like him; for we will see him just as he is" (1 John 3:2). 

The second verse says that we will become like Jesus when we see Him. The first says that time is different for Him. For Him, a thousand years is like a day. 

So, after we see Him, a thousand years will be like a day for us as well. In other words, a thousand years in our post resurrection state may pass as quickly as one day in our pre resurrection state. This change will take place when we see Him. 

We will see Him at the rapture (resurrection) which takes place immediately before Armageddon, which takes place immediately before the millennial kingdom begins. A thousand years is not like a day for us now. But after we see Him, time will be different in our post resurrection state. After we see Him, we will be living in a state of uninterrupted ecstasy, in new resurrection bodies. A thousand years in the millennial kingdom will pass like a day, since we will have seen Christ face to face before the thousand year period begins. 

So, yes, even though the judgement comes after the millennial kingdom, and was therefore at least 1000 years away at the time the book of Revelation was inspired, the great white throne judgement will come quickly.

Close Your Eyes and it will Be

In the twinkle of an eye:

I will repeat a previous example because it is pertinent. If you went to bed hungry, hoping for food in the morning, would morning come quickly or slowly? It depends. It depends on how well you sleep. And it depends on how quickly you receive food in the morning. If you lie down, close your eyes... and the next thing you know is that your eyes are open and breakfast is served... then the time passed quickly. It passed "in the twinkle of an eye"... just like 1 Corinthians 15:52 says it will be at the resurrection. Any Christian over the last 2000 years who closed his eyes in physical death and slept as Jesus said (Luke 8:40-56), to awaken in the resurrection, the millennial kingdom and New Jerusalem, face to face with Christ, would say that it happened quickly. He closed his eyes in death and awakened to Paradise.

One might call this soul sleep or departed spirit sleep. 

And once in our resurrection state, our days will be full of ecstasy. A thousand years will pass quickly, until the release of Satan and the great white throne judgement.

Now, lets discuss departed spirit sleep.

Departed Spirit Sleep

According to scripture, after the body dies, the body decays. But the spirit enters into a state which Moses, Jesus and the apostles routinely and repeatedly called "sleep". The soul sleeps. In this way, thousands of years could pass "quickly". Click here to read an in depth study of this doctrine, from the scriptures. 

In the section above titled, "How Can 1000 Years be Quick?", we saw that the great white throne judgement was still over 1000 years away when the book of Revelation was written. Well, if a young woman heard the words of the book of Revelation in 68 AD, lived fifty years and closed her eyes in death, to open them to the rapture and resurrection at the second coming (the beginning of the 1000 year reign of Christ), the resurrection came true "in the twinkle of an eye"... just like 1 Corinthians 15:52 said (as I presented in the previous section). The resurrection came quickly by the doctrine of departed spirit sleep.

And once in her resurrection state, her days will be full of ecstasy. A thousand years will pass quickly, until the release of Satan and the great white throne judgement. Time may be very different in the next age for her because she will be like Christ and experience time like Christ experiences time.

So, after this theoretical woman heard the book of Revelation, fifty years passed, she closed her eyes in death, in departed spirit sleep, to open her eyes to the fulfillment of the prophecies... Is fifty years a short period? The singular theme of the book of Revelation is, "signs of what must occur quickly: to reveal Jesus". 

Even if we set aside the doctrines of departed spirit sleep and Christ likeness, scripture considers fifty years to be a short period. Scripture takes an eternal perspective. Fifty years is quick. I will show you, from the scriptures. Hebrews 12:9-10 is comparing the discipline of our Heavenly Father to the discipline of our earthly fathers. It said,

"Furthermore, we had the fathers of our flesh to chasten us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits, and live? For they indeed, for a few days, punished us as seemed good to them; but he for our profit, that we may be partakers of his holiness" (Hebrews 12:9-10).

The English words "few days" are a literal translation of the Greek text, oligos hemeras.  Oligos means few, little or small. Hemeras means days. Hence, they are translated in the WEB as "a few days". Many translations see oligos hemeras as a figure of speech for "a short time" and therefore render oligos hemeras as "a short time". Well, in the eternal perspective, the years of discipline from our earthly fathers is like a few days. It is a short time. An eternal perspective is the perspective of God, scripture and mature Christians. 

If ten or fifteen years of fatherly discipline is regarded as a short time, then to wait fifty years to open ones eyes to the rapture may also be considered a short time... in the eternal perspective. As I wrote before, an eternal perspective is the perspective of God, scripture and mature Christians. 

Some say that 1000 years in God's sight is like a day (2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4). It is, for God. But not for us in our present state. Fifty years may be considered a short period for us. But 1000 years? Here is what I am saying. 1000 years will not be like a day for us until we see Christ and become like Him (1 John 3:2). The book of Revelation was written "to show to his servants the things which must happen soon" (Revelation 1:1). The intent appears to indicate "soon" to those humans who read or hear the book. I can see that fifty years may be consistent with "happen soon" in an eternal perspective for us humans.  2000 plus years does not seem consistent to me, unless we are in our immortal, resurrection bodies, in the new age.

Without the doctrine of departed spirit sleep, and without a different post resurrection sense of time, I have seen no acceptable reconciliation between: 

1) The prophecy in the first century of a quick fulfillment of prophecies in the book of Revelation and 

2) The unfulfillment after 2000 years of the prophecies of the rapture, the 1000 year reign of Christ and the great white throne judgement.

Thematic Outline of the Book of Revelation


B) Signs, Communication Corridor and Blessing (Revelation 1:1b-4a)

C) Attributes of Jesus (Revelation  1:4b-8)

D) Appearance of Jesus (Revelation 1:9-20)

E) Jesus' Messages to 7 Churches (Revelation 2:1-3:22)

F) Signs of Jesus Sealed in the Throne Room (Revelation 4:1-5:1)

G) Only Jesus Can Reveal the Signs (Revelation 5:2-14)

H) Signs of Events Revealing Jesus (Revelation 6:1-20:15)

I) The Eternal Bride of Christ: The New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-22:5)

J) Jesus is Coming: Blessing and Warning (Revelation 22:6-21)

Yes, the entire book is about revealing Jesus.  

The singular theme of the book of Revelation is... SIGNS OF WHAT MUST OCCUR QUICKLY: TO REVEAL JESUS

Do Not Ignore the Singular Theme

The singular theme of the book is established in the very first sentence:

  • "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show unto his servants, even the things which must shortly come to pass: and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John" (Revelation 1:1, ASV).

The singular theme of the book of Revelation is...

Signs of What Must Occur Quickly: To Reveal Christ.

  • Signs
  • Occur Quickly
  • Reveal Christ

Many theologies of the book of Revelation ignore all three of the tenets of the single theme of the book of Revelation:  

Structural Outline of the Book of Revelation

The book quickly and clearly establishes that it is RIGIDLY organized. It is primarily organized in sevens and threes. After seven messages to seven churches, there are seven seals, seven trumpets and seven bowls, presented in that order... seals, trumpets and then bowls. Seven thunders are also mentioned but the contents of the seven thunders are not revealed. The trumpets and bowl judgements function as pairs.

There are three signs "in heaven": a woman, a great red dragon and seven angels with seven plagues (the seven bowl judgements).The three signs "in heaven" are in the seventh trumpet. The third sign "in heaven" is the seven bowl judgements.  There are three woes. Each woe is associated with the fifth, sixth and seventh trumpet blasts, respectively.

The seven trumpets, seven bowls and seven thunders are in the seventh seal. So, we have three sevens in the seventh of seven, just like the battle of Jericho. God revealed the book primarily in sevens and threes. If you will not see the book as a book of sevens and threes, you will not understand the book.

Here is my outline of the book of Revelation to reflect the pairs of judgements within the seventh seal along with the other visions. I will provide the scripture reference for each trumpet judgement and corresponding bowl judgment, followed by the primary object of wrath for each pair. TR stands for trumpet. B stands for bowl. Words within this outline in non-black text are links to additional information. Please remember that visions may overlap other visions. For an in depth explanation of the structure of the book of Revelation, and this outline, click here.

Structural Outline:

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

1) Salutation (1:1-8)

2) Messages to the Seven Churches (1:9–3:22) 

3) John in the Throne Room (Ch 4)

4) Scroll with Seven Seals(Ch 5)

5) Six Seals: Apocalyptic Overview* (Ch 6-7)

6) Seventh Seal: Apocalyptic Detail (8:1-20:15)

7 Paired Judgements:
Introductions: TR (8:1-6), B(15:1-8)

Judgement: TR,  B, Object of Wrath
1st: TR 8:7, B 16:1-2, Earth
2nd: TR 8:8-9, B 16:3, Sea
3rd:  TR 8:10-11, B 16:4-7, Rivers, Springs 
4th:  TR 8:12-13, Bowl 16:8-9, Sun
5th:  TR 9:1-12, B 16:10-11, Beast's Throne
6th:  TR 9:13-11:14**, B 16:12-16, Euphrates
7th:  TR 11:15-22:21***, B 16:17-20:15, Air

Visions within the 6th Trumpet
Release of 4 Demons TR 9:13-21
7 Hidden Thunders TR 10:1-10
2 Witnesses TR 10:11-11:14 (3.5 or 7 Yrs)

Visions within the 7th Trumpet and Bowl
TR 7 Overview: Regime Change TR 11:15-19
B 7 Overview: Completion of WrathB 16:17-21
War Against Jerusalem Above TR 12:1-17
(Vision spans from the birth of Christ into John's future)
666 Rules 3.5 Years TR 13:1-14:13. See 13:5,7,18
2nd Coming, Resurrection to Life, Rapture and Armageddon TR 14:14-20
Destruction of Great Harlot, 2nd Coming and Armageddon B 17:1-19:21
Resurrection to Judgement, Final Revolt and Lake of Fire B 20:7-15

7) New Jerusalem 21:1–22:5 

8) I am coming: blessing and warning 22:6–21 

The three signs are presented within the seventh trumpet. They are: 

  • 12:1-2
  • 12:3-14:20 
  • 15:1-20:15

* The sixth seal (6:12-7:17) appears to be a preview or summary of events in the days of the seventh seal and the New Jerusalem. Remember, the seventh seal contains the seven trumpet and bowl pairs. So, the events previewed in 6:12-7:17 occur in the remainder of the book of Revelation.  Here are some examples: 

  • The earthquake previewed in 6:12 occurs in 8:5. 
  • The affliction of the Sun previewed in 6:12 occurs in 8:12 and 16:8.
  • The day of wrath of previewed in 6:16-17 occurs in 14:19-20 and etc.
  • The sealing of the 144,000 on their foreheads previewed in 7:3-4 occurs in 14:1.
  • The preview of coming out of the great tribulation (7:14) occurs in 14:13 and in the rapture (14:14-16).
  • The preview of the multitude before the throne in 7:9-10,15 occurs in 22:3-4 and possibly in 19:6. Specifically, 7:15 occurs in 22:1-4, especially 3-4. Verse 19:6 may be the fulfillment of 7:9-10.

The sixth seal appears to be a summary of the remainder of the book: Judgement of the wicked. Salvation to believing Jews. Salvation to believing Gentiles. The remainder of the book provides great detail to the summary of the sixth seal.

** The seven thunders are revealed to John in 10:3-4, in the sixth trumpet. But John is instructed to not write them, so they are withheld from us (hidden).

*** The seventh trumpet extends to the end of the book and includes other visions.  We know this because Revelation 10:7 tells us that "the mystery of God is finished" in the days of the seventh and final trumpet (10:7). Well, it is clear that 11:15 is the beginning of the seventh trumpet because of these words: "the seventh angel sounded". But the book does not expressly state where the sounding of the seventh trumpet ends. So, how do we identify the end of the seventh trumpet? Well, we know that the three signs and seven bowls are presented after chapter 10. And they reveal additional mysteries. So, they must be included in the seventh trumpet, since "the mystery of God is finished" in the days of the seventh and final trumpet.  This corrects the error of some who place all of the content of the signs and bowls chronologically after the trumpets. 

The book of Revelation repeatedly tells us how the book is organized. For an in depth explanation of the structure of the book of Revelation, and this outline, click here.

What Does the Book of Revelation Mean?

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God Bless!

Jim Phillips

More Information

I have prayed that our Lord will give you an open mind to prayerfully consider what the scriptures have said regarding end times. Please prayerfully consider the following chapters. 

Seventeen additional free chapters on prophecy are available in this book. Look for "17 Chapters on Prophecy" at the top of this page, or click here.

"Therefore also be ready, for in an hour that you don't expect, the Son of Man will come."

Matthew 24:44

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