
7.5q  Context and Focus Selections: 3 John

"Pray without ceasing." 

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 

Using these study arrangements, you can lead a Four Step Bible Study to pray through an entire book of the Bible, from beginning to end. It provides the Context Scripture and Focus Scripture for each meeting. It is designed to provide a large enough Context Scripture to enhance understanding of the Focus Scripture. The Focus Scripture will be short enough to be digested during one meeting. 

The Four Step Bible Study has been designed to train disciples to properly interact with scripture in a group setting and also in each member's personal daily devotional. Click here to use the Four Step Bible Study in your personal daily devotion.   

You may do all of the meeting arrangements as a group. Or you may do all of the meeting arrangements individually. You may also combine both approaches. For example, You could do meeting arrangements 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, etc in your weekly meetings. Members would do the other arrangements individually, in between the group meetings. You could also do odd arrangements as a group and even arrangements individually. 

Study Arrangements for The Book of 3 John

Meeting 1 

Today's Scripture:  3 John 1:1-4

Context Scripture:  3 John 1:1-4

Focus Scripture:     3 John 1:1-4

Meeting 2 

Today's Scripture:  3 John 1:1-8

Context Scripture:  3 John 1:1-4

Focus Scripture:     3 John 1:5-8

Meeting 3 

Today's Scripture:   3 John 1:1-11

Context Scripture:   3 John 1:1-8

Focus Scripture:      3 John 1:9-11

Meeting 4 

Today's Scripture:   3 John 1:5-14

Context Scripture:   3 John 1:5-11

Focus Scripture:      3 John 1:12-14

"Do all things without complaining and arguing."
Philippians 2:14

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